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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. Not sure why some react as if this is a surprise or a reason to mock the Browns--everyone was well aware that there would be a significant consequence, maybe a year suspension. 8 games is a light and expected penalty in most people's minds and not a surprise at all to the Browns I assume.
  2. Obviously, it's Roland Hooks, as he started it all.
  3. I hope that is the case, but it is the mindset of doing something so off, so regressive, that is worrying so many.
  4. !! THIS is the problem, why this is board is so po'd at this move--that it looks like we are going to basically stay put at running back despite the horrific year McCoy had. Gore can come in if he gets hurt!! Please, no! McCoy should be challenged by two young, talented running backs, not a 36 year old has been. So, to me it is not so much bringing Gore in that is causing so much consternation, but what it may mean for the running back position next year. If McCoy sucks still, then Gore takes over?? The Bills desperately need a few young, talented and high motor running backs. If THIS is truly the plan, as stated in this post, and it seems like it may be, the Bills are blind, and not seeing the extremely clear need--and what a young, talented running back can mean to to this team. This is essential, and not just for the running game to improve but for the passing game as well. This sucks, is very discouraging---and I really, really hope this poster is wrong, that the Bills cannot be this blind. Yikes.
  5. Come on!!! Just getting home and see this... What is it with the Bills and old, tire, worn out running backs???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It is inexplicable, a horrible move. Exactly the opposite kind of running back they need. Yikes, yikes, yikess... Looking forward to reading this thread for some hope that I am wrong and to see everyone else just flame out at this stupid, waste of money signing. I didn't like the Brown attempt and don't like this--both are not what the Bills need.
  6. Come on. This is dramatically more pervasive and intrusive than normal coverage. Only poor teams and showboat leaders would want that for their team. I almost guarantee you that I am right and this current coach would never even consider such a thing. Generally speaking, this is why the poor organizations, like the Bengals--, twice, and the Browns, and Dolphins are the teams---and those thinking any publicity is good, such as the Cowboys (twice). Those teams, to me, are the opposite kind of organizations that we now have in Buffalo, which is a very good thing.
  7. I cannot believe that this staff would even, for a second, consider doing something so undermining, public, and detrimental to a team. Not a cut on the OP, as I know many would like this too, but there are dramatically more negatives this positives for participating teams. This staff is all about the TEAM---I cannot think of a more negative thing for a team than airing internal decisions, opinions, and conflicts for all to see. Such a serious minded, team oriented guy like McDermott subjecting the inner workings of his team to national television? No way, will never happen. (That is for people like Rex Ryan and Hugh Jackson.)
  8. Prediction: The hiring of Gruden by the Raiders, and the amount of money and power given to him, will go down in NFL history as one of the most disastrous moves ever. It is so bad that this, the second year, may be his last year. But if not this year, next year.
  9. I agree, and hope for this outcome. I think the Bills are closer than most realize, so if this is the case, and the Bills can nail their offensive line, running back, tight end now, then this may be a great year. I understand that my original inquiry to start this topic is not immensely relevant, but I wanted to find our more on this and on Williams in general. I was not really paying attention when the Bills first picked him up.
  10. Well, Foster was one of the best receivers in the NFL in the second half of last season. So if Duke plays as well as he has throughout most of his college and pro career, as Foster continues to produce, and as Allen progresses, then the wide receivers could be a strength. It does not seem like much of a stretch. (But like anything in sports, yes, it may very well not all come together.)
  11. Thanks; the kind of stats I was looking for, in part. Great, detailed stuff here!
  12. Just looking at some videos now--a good comparison, I think. And fits in well, as does Foster, with Allen's skills. If this works out, then the Bills can be a much improved team this year, as a weakness became a strength with almost no cost, and then the Bills can focus on other areas.
  13. Just curious, as I was just--finally--reading about Duke Williams' story, including why he was not drafted, and his great CFL stats. Whenever he has played, in junior college, in Auburn, and in the CFL, he has been great. Yes, he got kicked out of Auburn, but when he did so took full responsibility. And then went on to dominate in the CFL. With Foster now, if Duke is good a significant Bills weakness last year will be a big strength. So what is the success rate of CFL receivers in the NFL?
  14. Thank you! It is one of my favorite songs--and one of the best songs too. Hopefully this inspires local musicians to come up with an updated version next fall, when it will be needed...
  15. This is guy is kidding, right?? Or a completely twisted, ignorant a**hole?? See my bold/italics above, as no way anyone would say the first and then the last bold, right?? And think that standing for the anthem indicates something positive and beating a woman does not indicate the opposite? I don't know him, so wouldn't know if it is sarcasm, but I am assuming-? Today in America, really, it is hard to tell... (That being said, I am in favor of bringing him in, as then more picks for other needs. But realize the problem in doing so.)
  16. Is there a Bills connection here in some way?
  17. Simply not true. It may have been said by Kelly after it happened, and don't even think that is the case, but he was no longer wanted by the Bills. And I am not saying he left too soon, as it was time, clearly.
  18. We will never know, but we do know that Collins was still playing in the NFL long after most--all?--of the Bills quarterbacks that followed him were: Johnson, Flutie, VanPelt, Bledsoe, Losman, Edwards, all following Collins, and all done, and often long before Collins retired.
  19. Yup, at the time I couldn't believe that they axed Kelly and did not give the guy they thought could replace their Hall of Fame QB a chance. Watch some of his games. I think he led the Bills on their second biggest comeback as well. At a very young age, and with little experience, he showed he could lead the Bills. And replace Kelly, having learned under him. But instead, with only ONE good game to his credit, the Bills traded a first and fourth round pick, and spent a huge amount of money, on Rob Johnson. To me, inexplicable at the time and still is. Near the time of his release I recall Marv Levy saying that Collins' confidence had been "shattered" as a result of how the Bills dealt with him.
  20. He played behind good quarterbacks, never got his shot. I remember Dick Vermeil saying several times he believed Collins was a starting caliber quarterback. The one time he did get his shot, near the end of his career with the Redskins, he looked very good for a while in the playoffs. Teams must have seen something in him, to serve as a 2nd string NFL quarterback for almost a decade. We may not know the name Curt Warner if Trent Green didn't get injured, the quarterback Collins backed up in KC.
  21. No, he was just never given a chance here and then became a backup for a decade. I will say it again--the release of Collins was the biggest mistake I have seen in my lifetime by the Bills, started a loong period of wasted draft picks, wasted millions, turnover, and losing seasons. He was likely better than all of the quarterbacks since Kelly, until Allen. For me, what happened to Todd Collins here was an integral part of the Bills long collapse, always searching for the quarterback that never came..
  22. Why not? You never say, never back up that statement. I cannot imagine how anyone seeing both quarterbacks play can come to that conclusion.
  23. Josh Allen is dramatically more skilled and so has dramatically more upside than Manuel. I wanted to believe in Manuel and so rationalized he was going to get better and better... and that his almost on target passes were the kinds of balls that young quarterbacks threw. But he rarely put the ball where it needed to be, forcing receivers to stop, change routes, or get mauled going for the ball. I was happy when Manuel was in the vicinity, thinking that meant he would eventually get it right. But that was nonsense--Manuel did not have a good, accurate arm. He could not learn the needed skills, as he simply didn't have them. But Josh Allen has a real NFL arm and likely elite NFL QB athleticism and leadership. He throws a great ball, on target, with receivers in motion, and can make any throw. His low percentage of completions is the result of many drops by receivers and of taking risks to make something happen (often because of the dismal running attack this year). I could be rationalizing again, but really believe that the facts indicate that Josh Allen will be a great NFL quarterback--and soon.
  24. IF McCoy is back it will be for significantly less money. The Bills should not pay more than 3 million for him and then only if they plan to use him much more as a receiver. It looks like he has hit the wall, but really, not completely clear because of the poor offensive line play this year. I think he is gone, and it will be too bad, as then he won't be here for the next Bills playoff run which is likely coming soon.
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