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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. One of my happiest days as a Bills' fan, at least when it comes to a competitor's move, was the day the jets signed Rogers, a quickly fading, narcissistic head case. It meant HUGE money tied up in a player who would never come close to challenging the Bills, and one team wrecking head case added to one of the three teams in their division. Now, he just gets worse and worse, crazier and crazier, and is as dumb as a box corn flakes. And throw in 'despicable character' to boot, and I assume all attending the Jets game are looking forward to letting that nut have it, and relentlessly, when he comes to town. I hope he keeps exerting his power and control over his team--and also takes a cue from Brady and plays many more years...
  2. May be, but I hope not. He is possibly the best defensive player on the Bills. Dawson Knox is a more likely trade candidate, I think, especially if it helps the Bills move up to get the player they want--and if the team is willing to pay a high percentage of Knox's salary.
  3. Lol So, nothing! You have nothing, again, to back your statement--just a bunch of general nonsense? Yikes, and almost funny--if this exact kind of behavior wasn't becoming a way of life for about 30% of Americans.
  4. So, no information, facts, details forthcoming. Instead, more of the same--what does this post mean, what are you speaking of, specifically??
  5. Never said he was terrible, said what I said about him in big games, and against good teams, including being less than a zero factor against the Bills this year. He is Jerry Jones kind of player, lots of splash, publicity, but, so far, not a big game, big time player. See: Dak Prescott.
  6. Lol Yes, the Bills were terrified of such a dominant player, so just desperately ran and ran (as you say, 'away") from him. Parsons played a great game, but the Bills were just clever enough to keep away from that powerful, immovable force that is Parsons. I am reconsidering my position and now think the Bills merely got (very) lucky this past year against him and the girls, and were just somehow able to 'run away' from Parsons, getting monumentally lucky they were fast enough to keep away from that dominant brute. It is terrifying to think what the girls and Parson will do to the poor Bills the next time they play each other. No, it shows his greatness and that the Bills just lucked out--don't worry the girls will almost assuredly come through the next time when the Bills aren't so lucky..
  7. I disagree that Parsons is how you define him above, and he is not the 'legit best defensive player in the league'. If he was he would show up in big games, consistently, and not simply disappear, and get displaced like a small rag doll against the good defenses, the good teams, like he did against the Bills and others the last few years. When I want a good laugh I still watch parts of this year's game, remembering how so many foolish people predicted that the girls would beat up on the poor, hapless Bills. And the girls' defense!! Look out! They were going to wreak havoc on the poor Bills, with that beast Parsons leading the charge. The Bills threw him around like he was a small weak child playing with men. BUT I hope the girls' pay him as if he is how you define him.
  8. How did the media turn the Digg's situation into "blazing 5 alarm fire"?? They saw something legitimate, a clear case of a player very unsatisfied with his team, his quarterback, skipping the first day of training camp, sending out tweets/letting family members send tweets that indicated he wanted out, was fed up... etcetera The media saw smoke, and repeatedly over a long period time, and investigated it, commented on it, analyzed it... The Bills did what they may have felt they needed to do, and those working for them (see Tasker, Jones, others) followed suit, and lied, lied, and lied some more more--'no problems here, a great player and leader, the media just making something out of literally nothing...' To anyone paying attention, there was clearly a big problem, and none of us trusted the Bills' 'take'. The sports media was clearly right to question the things they saw and heard over the last few years--they usually did their job, reporting on some things that were legitimate signs of a major problem with one of the best receivers on one of the best teams in the NFL. The media did not make it up, or throw fire on anything. They, like many of us, were right.
  9. Like cutting out a growing, festering tumor. Operation successful, if a year overdo. But now the Bills need to fill in that hole, and will do so. Soo glad that there is no diggs' dead money after this year--and for the 2nd round pick next year as well. The Bills may take a step or two back this year, as they have lost a lot of players (Poyer, Hyde, Morse, Diggs, Lawson......) this off season. But they will be stronger in the next few years because of these moves.
  10. Really, as backwards as it seems, that is actually how they think, those who want a new head coach, a new quarterback, a new GM. Like I said in my post here, they are like 1st graders who don't know how to think correctly yet: 'did you see that throw that Allen made?!? HE is the problem!' "That call that McDermott made on 3rd and 12!!? Fire him!!" I am not saying people cannot have valid criticism, I do, most do, as that helps things along, and can lead to better choices and better people running the show if needed. BUT that is not what most of the haters do, instead, they just do what the OP did here. I'd bet the more consistent ones likely lead their lives like this, and form most of their opinions on things in the same manner. So glad that the leaders of the Bills are not like that. And the vast majority of Bills' fans. The (irrational) haters should all get a new team, one more in line with their philosophy--how about the Panthers? That seems like a good fit right now..
  11. In your OP I reacted with the vomiting emoji, though agreeing with the bold now above. And also, of course!, agreeing that the Teller trade was awful. Was shocked and bewildered that he was traded to Cleveland, thought he showed all kinds of promise in the preseason. In fact, in each of those cases I was immediately concerned, and then more so upon hearing the details of the Miller, Knox, and Diggs signings--very bad contracts for the Bills, to me. Knox and Diggs should have been much less--and Diggs, shorter, while the Miller signing was a violation of the process, the way that Beane and McDermott have built this team into a perennial contender. And yup, try as they may, they have not been as successful on the D-line development as they should be, could be, hence the bad shot with Miller. So Beane has made some bad moves, some hurting the team. But it is awful thinking, illogical, ignorant, to then say THESE are the defining things, the most important aspects of his tenure as the Bills GM, one that has moved the Bills from a non-winning team, without a playoff game to its credit for decades, to a powerhouse team, 4 time AFC East champion, and a perennial Super Bowl contender. By almost anyone's evaluation, the Bills became one of the top teams and organizations in the NFL almost from the moment he walked into One Bills Drive. So your post is just more of the same that we have seen on this board from a small and very ignorant minority, 1st grade thinking, rather than that of a sentient adult who can look at things more realistically, logically--objectively. The Bills have had one of the best rosters in the NFL almost every year that Beane has been the Bills' GM. This will be his toughest year, but all but the most ignorant would not have some hope that this smart, objective, dedicated GM can do the same thing again.
  12. Diggs certainly did not look like that great receiver we once knew in the second half of last year. He dropped balls even a poor receiver catches and his body language and demeanor usually indicated he was not into the game, not a real part of this team anymore. In my view it was either because he has lost more than just a step and some skills, or just doesn't care, was angry at someone, something for not making him the star of the universe. A great receiver for years here, and for that I am grateful, but a selfish, narcissistic head case now. He was the only important Bill starter in recent memory who clearly did not fit in with this team's culture--and because of that, undermined their mission. For those reasons I say, good riddance. The Bills will be a better team next year without him. My only regret upon finding this out was that Diggs did not get traded to the Jets, so he can have a quarterback with the same traits as himself throwing him the ball. It would have been fun to play them!
  13. Hey Chronic, so you just made up those quotes and specific details in your original post!??? Why won't you give us the actual details, links, media and media personality names related to the entire basis of your post? I and others have asked you repeatedly to do this. You just heard some random guy say something stupid, ignorant, and then create a post that is inaccurate, untrue, based on some random guys' words? I s that, why you cannot tell us the sources? Did you just hear some guy mumbling to himself as he walked down the street and then think, "He must be part of the media."--? I say all of this agreeing with the basic premise that some in the media ARE Allen haters, and DO say ridiculous/ignorant/dumb/inaccurate things about him and define him with this ignorance. But I would never just throw out more of that crap into the ether without backing it up. That only adds to the ignorance, their narrative. Without more information you lose all credibility...
  14. Hey, are you almost done with the information I and others requested to back up your original post? Seems like it should be extremely easy for you to find, as you actually quoted some of it. Looking forward to you providing the details, evidence, you mention, so that we can more realistically and adequately answer the questions you pose in your OP. Thanks in advance, once again, for getting that information out asap, info that was clearly needed in the original post. But, better late than never! Otherwise you merely smear our quarterback with BS nonsense, when you propose to be defending him...
  15. This dude is just joking here, right, just trolling?
  16. I asked him for that info, so they should be coming very soon--some are extremely specific, even quoted, so it should be very easy for him to get that vital information out to us. I am eager to see which media companies, and who personally, said those things.
  17. Okay, while you seem to post this nonsense in support of Allen, I think you are doing exactly the opposite, and undermining him. Why give voice to those saying the above things that I have put in bold? And who are they--who said the Rothlisberger comment? Who said the River's comment? You then ask us, "Where's it all coming from?" Good question... You tell us, please!, as it your post, your info, and we assume you are not just making it all up. And please do so right after you read this: who, specifically, and not just the broad generalization you provide--in the "media"? I have never read or heard those comments in any media. I am not doubting you, that the comments exist, but want to know who said those things--? How can anyone on this board respond to this post if you don't tell us the source, who said them? If not, to me, this kind of post does the exact opposite of supporting of Allen, it undermines him. Now, it is just throwing that nonsense out into the ether as if it was from several, many?, legitimate media sources. So, I am looking forward to finding out the answers to these questions. There is no way to answer your questions without the details, sources; the context. Thank you in advance.
  18. Yup, I am happy for the guy too, great character, work ethic, and 'motor'. When the Bills went to him as their #1 back a few years ago, at 7-6, the Bills quickly became the best running team in the NFL and, so, a much better team overall. Yes, in the playoffs they lost in OT to the Chiefs, but we should not forget what happened when the bills finally committed to the running game with Singletary as their #1--they became a dominant team and went on a great winning streak. Earlier this past year I was wondering why Singletary did not replace Pierce as the starter in Houston, as he is a much better player. They were a poor running team with Pierce. When they finally made Motor their starter, they too went on a run, with Singletary opening up their offense and, so, improving their entire team. To not sign him last year (3.5 million for Houston?), but to sign players we knew dimwit Dorsey would not use effectively, Sherfield and Harty, for much more was outrageous. Great to see he is earning a bigger paycheck this year; well deserved and he will likely earn every penny.
  19. One of Beane's worst moves--getting rid of Singletary, one of the best all around backs in the league--running, catching, blocking--a teammate Allen said again and again was a vital part of the team's success, and someone who was always dependable, available...and replacing him with Harris, a back who had lost his ability to stay on the field and was clearly on his way out. I am not a Beane basher, but this team could have used a back like Singletary last year, and instead, got almost zero from the guy who replaced him.
  20. Like I have said before: when the Bills win the Super Bowl, they will not change their take. They may go silent for a while, but after the first loss of the next year they will jump right back on their illogical irrational bandwagon--and stay there. And if the Bills don't follow up the Super Bowl win with another, look out... Does anyone doubt this is what they will see? They are as a irrational a group as I have ever seen on this board, but thankfully are only a tiny percentage of Bills fans.
  21. I can see a 11 year old--okay, maybe, or a very dumb one!--believing that crap in the OP and re-posting it, but an adult!? Unfortunately not shocking that there are people like this walking among us--and possibly even voting... They will literally believe anything--no questions asked. Perfect stooges for any potential dictator...
  22. Umm, yikes.... So, you think Russel is a starting caliber quarterback still--and a good one at that? The day of the original trade I said almost immediately it was the worst trade in the history of the NFL by far, giving up a king's ransom for a qb who was likely to be cut or traded for almost nothing before the season started. That is now confirmed. The Broncos think he is so bad they would rather eat about FORTY million dollars then even keep him on their team. Says so much about his value, doesn't it? But he could make a good backup for a team as long as the starter does not miss more than 1-2 games. He is done as a starter.
  23. And the scary thing is that anyone would just believe it, no questions asked, no source requested... Seems just about right for the US right now! And the more negative, nasty, ridiculous, the better for some people.
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