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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. JD Vance said: Trump was America's Hitler That only an idiot would vote for Trump. In a post on Twiitter wondered about how many people in the US Trump had sexually assaulted Etcetera etcetera Will the real JD Vance please stand up?
  2. So the evidence you present for such a bizarre, irrational, and whacko theory is "otherwise they'd have an open primary"? Are you kidding? Any 6th grader would know better. Pretty scary ignorance here, shocking.
  3. Wow, how stupid, ignorant and nuts can one statement be? See above. Shocking, scary ignorance there, in every word.
  4. Huh? One of the best teams in the NFL under Beane and McDermott at having depth, and coaching up the next in line to be ready to step in. Is this a hater posting this, if one were to examine their previous posts? It certainly has that quality-- just throwing some irrational nonsense against the wall, with no basis in reality and a ridiculous attack on a team leader.
  5. WTF!??? Where are the training camp notes for today?
  6. AR, the gift that has kept on giving since almost the moment he signed, and will keep on doing so until his dismal 2024 season ends his career some time this year. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
  7. Snowflake Likely that he will be cut during camp. At best, practice squad.
  8. Thanks and I hope you are wrong. I cannot imagine this team, with this culture, doing that show. But it seems like a great fit for Daboll and the Giants!
  9. Yup, same here, though I have watched parts of several episodes, and soo happy that the Bills, McDermott, and their leadership want nothing to do with that show, will clearly never be on it if they have their way. It is meant for teams like the jets, browns, and the girls, and those type of weak never going to win anything teams with poor leadership. While there have been some exceptions of, course. Who would ever want to expose the inner workings of their team and its relationships to obtrusive cameras, microphones, and the additional scrutiny those teams face? Winning and preparing to do so are tough enough as it is, no more obstacles are needed. That type of show and the attention it brings goes against so much that this current Bills' organization is all about. Keep away.
  10. Yeah, those rodgers led Jets get scarier and scarier all of the time. Almost inconceivable how good they could be with Adams added to that dangerous dangerous team, led by a 40 year old narcissistic conspiracy spreading headcase coming off a major injury and showing his dedication, that they need to be 'all in' this year, by missing all of mini camp because of a personal trip. I am almost as afraid of rodgers and the jets this pre season as I was last year. Fingers crossed that that offensive powerhouse that is the jets and rodgers stops getting stronger and stronger..
  11. Great news. I could not believe he had the gall to call himself Josh Allen, always thought he should add "the lesser" or "not the real" before his name or something similar. Good to see Hines-Allen finally came to his senses, realizing there is only one actual Josh Allen in the NFL, and changed his name accordingly. But I think 'Josh Hines' works even better. But, baby steps..
  12. Great to hear. I thought it was ridiculous (and onerous) a few years ago when several on here said how he would really hurt the league with all that he knows. And that he would likely win big in his lawsuit. But it was heartening that it was only a small percentage of posters. Supporting an ignorant, racist moron is never a good luck. Good riddance, chucky.
  13. Well, of course they should not just trust that he will. Seems obvious. They need to bring in sharp, real competition to both push him to a higher level, see if Bass could handle that pressure (or it could be a sign, in itself, that he may not be able to rebound, handle the pressure of game kicks either)--and to see what is out there, available.
  14. Umm, pretty clear what the point of it is. A bizarre bash the team leaders thread, just throwing messed up, bizarre and flat out dumb nonsense against the wall, to somehow make the case for how bad Bean and McDermott are. Duh. And it is as stupid and illogical (and just as big of a waste of space and time) as the post recently somehow blaming McDermott for Bass's struggles last year.
  15. Yes! You are right. I keep forgetting that, as he wears so many hats, is so versatile and talented. That is why he doesn't even need to do things like mini camp--he is like a god, in his eyes. I cannot wait until this washed up alex jones loving narcissist comes to the Ralph just before the New Year, wearing his 6-10 record around his neck for all to see. It may make the fans' reactions to cox and Schroeder in the 90's look like kind child's play.
  16. yes, good point about Taylor and I may even say that it is likely he is the starter at some point. He would concern me more than rodgers for his ability and leadership at this point in their careers. But not too much!
  17. Funny and ridiculous how, just like last year, so many analysts are saying once again that the Jets can win the AFC East and be a great team. Not going to happen with one narcissistic headcase leading the team both on the field and off, as both the QB and GM. The Dolphins will pose the only threat to the Bills in the AFC East.
  18. Give the guy what he wants!! I hope it keeps him in Dallas for a while. Then the Bills will have another team that can never be a serious contender in the league. Or, it not, he can be the Jets quarterback after rodgers is taken away by the men in the white coats..
  19. Well, on a podcast with Palmer, his off season coach, when asked how many Super Bowls he and the Bills would win, Josh said "8', I believe. If he wants that to happen he will need to give the Bills a big hometown discount and try to scrape out a living earning just $40 or so million a year--and not break the bank, the team. He can always get a side job in the off season to pay the rent and such.
  20. Kind of how Hurts comes across in almost every interview/press conference of his I have seen. Not sharp and specific in his answers usually and doesn't seem either candid or insightful. A sharp contrast with our own QB--sharp, honest, candid, and specific when talking about football (though not about certain players, as he won't throw anyone under the bus, like Hurts did last year). The Eagles became a mess last year, one of the worst teams in football, in my estimation. Will be interesting to see how their defense and Hurts perform early in the season. If not well, then Sirianni is gone before Thanksgiving.
  21. What a shock for New Jersey's Jets, I am sure! But, for Bills' fans, more great news out of Jersey, as, for us, they are a team that just keeps on giving and giving and giving... So, Mr. 'I may play again this season', last season, isn't ready and willing to go as the season begins? Well, we know the 'not willing' part is accurate, or he would be there, with the ability to play or not. Good thing that their quarterback, their supposed savior, is showing he is very dedicated to his team, and clearly a head case no more--just as things really get going for the 2024 season. I am sure their fans are all breathing a sigh of relief.
  22. I agree with that, and he does usually field a good or excellent defense. But the lack of vision and progress on the offense makes me think Tomlin doesn't have what it takes to field an excellent team, with a dynamic offense. But he is young so may eventually get there--or, with enough years, may just back into another championship.
  23. Tomlin has not put a team on the field with a good offense, one that causes concern for any defensive coordinator, in many years. I have thought they just needed a good quarterback, and that may be part of it, but I think it is more than that, and in his focus, philosophy as well. But grrreat to hear that Tomlin thinks Russel Wilson is the answer!! And that he has already anointed him as the starter for next year. This means that the Steelers will not be a problem for the Bills again this coming year. Fields? Who knows what he can do, but he needs to show he can start in this league--and before the season begins. So I am happy to hear that Tomlin may be in the AFC for several more years, for more of the same 'ol, same 'ol...
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