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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. Kind of a duh here, so not sure why there is any uproar or controversy. Hill should have complied with the officers and rolled down his window. End of story. He could have a weapon on him and has no right to just do what he wants in that situation. Other details may emerge that cause me to change my mind, but this is on Hill, not the cops. He is just an NFL player, not a former president--so the law applies to him, just like it does to all of us.
  2. Yes. As it indicates I can still become an NFL quarterback! I can do that, throw like that. So those saying the Dallas defense was great, and I agree, watch this video. Their defense will have to wait until next week to earn some luv. Derek Carr is a much better quarterback obviously, so an actual test for the girls. The Saints may be the better team.
  3. Why is Murray's statement ridiculous? When did the coach say that and was Murray there when he did so? It seems Murray is just being honest, stating how he views their offense and his roll in it. You can see that attitude in the way he plays and the offensive philosophy, with lots of parts coming together as one. Seems similar to Allen and the Bills. It is whey the Bills were so much better last year once we removed the diva. This is about getting the ball down the field, not feeding a princess.
  4. But the offense... They looked like the Bills last year at the start of many games, like they didn't know what they were doing. Unprepared for the game. It's just that the Bills had Allen. We'll see how good Dallas' defense is, but they did look different, more physical, more disciplined, but also playing looser. But it was against one of the worst offenses in the NFL. We'll see. If What do you mean?
  5. This, 100%. Fits with the Bills and the perfect player to add to this young, inexperienced receiver corps. Reminds me of a bigger, faster Cole Beasley, so could be a final piece of the offensive puzzle.
  6. Come on, Watson was offered a huge guaranteed contract. Most thought it was a bad move by the Browns, an illogical one--he was likely not going to get many offers, and even fewer guaranteed offers, and he had been out of the game for long time. Who would not take that kind of unique offer? Beyond your opinion of why he is not successful now, what makes you think that, what details or facts are there to support your point? Have you read or heard things about his work habits and such? I say basic human nature tells us he would want to be successful, no matter the money he is earning. He looks done, but I don't think it is because he threw in the towel so he can relax and enjoy his riches.
  7. Don't you think being labeled as a pariah, an untouchable (pardon the pun), is significant motivation to be successful, to redeem himself?
  8. I don't know about this line of reasoning, as the guy looks done, fried, and don't agree it is a matter of motivation, at least directly. I think his team is losing its motivation, though, and realize they cannot win with him as their leader. And this will likely means he is done very soon, before their season slips away. Dorsey too--duh.
  9. It is the roller coaster thing, as they won't put players out there if they are not consistent, unless they are forced to. A few bad plays by one player can destroy a good game.
  10. The long stint out of the game, the controversy, and then the injuries all seem to have contributed to Watson'sprecipitous decline. And now you throw in one of the biggest obstacles to any player's success, ken dorsey, and it may be game over very soon. Despite his guaranteed money he will be the backup soon and lucky to be that.
  11. Cleveland's offense looks like what the Bills would have looked like under Dorsey had it not been for Josh Allen. They appeared incredibly unprepared to play the game. And there are no positive changes within the game. Stefanski may be calling the plays, but a coach like Dorsey, likely doing a lot of the leg'work' during the week, can still do serious serious damage to an offense. Because we also know that his teams do not get better, but regress, I give him until Halloween. Or he is demoted to a Gatorade boy.
  12. Oh well, was hoping he'd end up on an AFC team next year, so there would be one less team for the Bills to have to be concerned about for a while. But this eliminates Dallas as a serious contender for the duration of his contract. Can you imagine what is going on in 'ol Jerry's mind right now!? The guy was trapped, had almost no other options, and this was heightened by being 81 years old. He could not let the already-significantly-lacking-in-confidence- prescott be a lame duck this year, as that would likely mean an even more disastrous season than last year, what with a lame duck head coach too. But now he has a quarterback that he clearly knows, (just look and listen to what he has said over the years, the real things not the BS praise), has almost no chance of winning a Super Bowl. They should now make a play for diggs this year too, as I assume he is already wearing out his welcome in Houston, like he did in Minnesota and Buffalo. Dallas is the perfect fit for a guy like diggs, where it is less about football and more about individuals trying to get personal glory and riches. Poor jerry! Go girls!
  13. 12-5, with a better offense than defense this year, though the defense should steadily improve as the year progresses. Losing Milano and depth at almost every defensive position makes me less confident than in past years, but hoping for the coaching staff and new players to get it done, especially as the season progresses. (How often have the Bills relied on the backups to keep their defense going the last few years? Those guys are gone, overall.) A better 2nd half of season than first is likely.
  14. Bills 31, cards 27 The offense may take a few series to get going, but should do so. Run Davis and Johnson almost as much as Cook, as the two backups are much more physical and can wear down a defense, taking some pressure off the Bills' defense. The Bills' defense may not look quite like the the defenses we have come to expect under McD--too many new parts and a lack of quality depth at safety, linebacker and on the d-line. Murray is too good of a player, Harrison is a new dynamic weapon, and the Bills seem to have a lesser defense, so it should make for a good game, better than I and most Bills' fans would like to start the season.. Go Bills!
  15. I am not saying I have complete confidence in Brady, only that what he was able to do overnight to a moribund offense and team, an offense in disarray, and three games past the middle of the season, gives me significant hope for what he could do this year, now fully in control of the offense. In your post, misleading use of stats, just like in the OP. For example, the Bills scored 20 and 24 points against the Chiefs, the 2nd game one in which the Bills' defense was decimated. The Chiefs were a great defense last year and the Bills' 24 points against them were the 2nd best against the Chiefs all year, the only exception being the Packers' 27. And the Bills scored 24 against the Chargers and 21 against the dolphins. (Defensive scores, is that why you cite the points as you do?) Not a major exaggeration for me to point to the dramatic turn around in the failing offense Brady took over, often 'out' of games by the end of the first half, and immediately making it into a offense that could beat any team. And the players understanding and reacting to that dramatic positive change accordingly. Yup, to me that indicates he could be an excellent OP. We will see.
  16. The Bills were dead in the water before Brady, so your post does not make sense, ignores almost all of the big picture things from last year and tells us to not believe what our own eyes and what the dramatic positive changes after he took over meant for this team. The Bills, in one game after another, could not score anything, or almost anything, in much of the first half, and in one game after another. They looked unprepared, both at the outset of games and in games, and increasingly so, as the season 'progressed'. They then had to crawl their way back into games and sometimes did so, but only because of players, like Allen, overcoming the mess that the lazy and incompetent dorsey created. The running game was an afterthought, and so no one needed to respect the run, making things much much more difficult for Allen. They had no rhythm in games until it was too late, and no identity. Players looked defeated soon after the games started and the offense ooked inept again--and then, again and again... And they were not getting better, but worse, more consistent in their awful inconsistency. Their OC had them unprepared for games, going into the game, and then was clearly unprepared in the game. He did nothing to make things easier, but, as Chris Brown said over and over, it looked increasingly like a "heavy lift" for the offense. Analysts like MROB and Dan O. were saying things that indicated they believed dorsey was not just bad, but grossly incompetent for the his role of OC of an NFL team. MROB was the first major network analyst to have the courage to call for a change, saying the Bills needed to re evaluate the relationship between allen and dorsey (in other words, fire dorsey). Enter Brady. The Bills immediately looked like an almost completely different offense under Brady--they looked prepared to start the game and during the game. Their running game became a real running game, though with limited resources, and their offense started to move the ball consistently again. Ridiculous to say Allen's numbers declined under Brady as if that was an indication of an offense not working as well. Allen no longer had to play hero ball, game after game, and no longer had to try to lead his team back after falling behind again and again and again... They went 6-1 under Brady, the only loss coming to the Eagles on their home turf, in OT, with only a 59 yard field goal in horrible conditions, overcoming the Bills on a day in which their offense scored 34 points and ran up 505 yards. So, not sure what the question is you are posing above--there is zero gray area that the Bills were a dramatically better offense under Brady, a team almost certainly on their way to missing the playoffs, where the players' shocked and altered faces, early in game after game, told one everything to know about how much confidence they had in their 'leader', a man who will likely never again call plays in the NFL. Though I would of course welcome that, as it would mean one less team the Bills had to be concerned about. The Bills went from dead in the water to one of the best teams, and one of the best offenses, in the NFL overnight after Brady took over. As Josh Allen said after the firing, "It had to be done." Then, after the first game under Brady, the first one!, he said, "I'm fuc*ing back." If last year was an indication, then Brady will be an excellent OC for the Bills this year, while dorsey will be lucky if Cleveland trusts him to squeeze gatorade into players' mouths during the game. Did you leave the country last fall and not get the chance to actually watch most of the games and see the dramatically improved offense after Brady took over, clear to what should be everyone? If not, go back and watch it--your eyes will not deceive you the way the comically meaningless stats you share have.
  17. So much for naked crazy Jones' running through glass being a one off, eh? The Bills likely knew that, knew what they had in this man, and that was likely a reason they dropped him so quickly despite his upside, potential. They want to keep the bad men, and the crazies, off their team always.. Maybe he thought he was just fighting for Jesus again and that his girlfriend was the devil.
  18. Lamb should be ashamed of his dumb self if he actually believes 30+ million is not enough for his kiester. Great to see though, as Dallas is a train wreck of an organization with their GM leading that crash through all of his actions. One less good team to be concerned about. A lame duck head coach, a lame duck quarterback, both of whom will be under significant pressure to win several playoff games this year--or else... Not a recipe for success, not conducive to a team, where players are enjoying their journey. We should all thank the football gods for giving us our owner, GM, and head coach who create the opposite atmosphere in Buffalo, one where the team, and all players on that team, work together as a team. And where they seem to enjoy their journey. Hoping that somehow Stefon Diggs ends as a cowgirl next year, the perfect team for him to end his career with. Every man for himself.
  19. Thanks, very good info, and I was just kidding, do not have the same significant reservations this summer about Babich that I had for Dorsey last year. Last year at this time I had thought that Dorsey was the most significant weakness on the team, and that unless he had been 'coached' up himself throughout the off season that we would continue to see the narrowing and regression of the offense we had seen under him the previous year. I thought he would be fired sometime before Thanksgiving. But the idea of Babich not being calm enough to be on the sideline does in itself sound a lot like what was said about Dorsey! But Dorsey was also clearly incompetent, plain and simple, had not learned what McDermott had expected him to have learned in all his years as qb and NFL coach. He had not taken in much beyond his own specific duties, so clearly could not process the big picture, and details, of an NFL offense. If Cleveland ever decides (they won't) to let him call plays this year, bet against the Browns whenever possible. Babich is an unknown, and likely for most fans, and the leaders at One Bills Drive, there is likely some natural anxiety about what we are going to see this year. All signs seem good so far, and looking forward to seeing how he and this move develop this season. McDermott will be at his side, no matter the consternation of a small group of irrational haters, helping him in that development. That is what's best. But to me, nothing at all to indicate he won't be good at his job.
  20. Uh, oh, it is literally the same exact thing we heard about Dorsey. This better not mean that Babich also may be an almost completely incompetent, repetitive, lazy, hapless, team killing coordinator himself! If so, I will predict as I did with Dorsey at the start of last year--gone by Thanksgiving..
  21. What does Babich or Sal mean in that last question? I have no idea. Why is there a laughing so hard I'm crying emoii at the end? Was what Babich said funny? Why? These are not rhetorical questions.
  22. Great coach! The best in Bills' history. Even at 99 he can still likely out coach many current NFL coaches. Now, this year, he passes that title to McDermott.
  23. Thanks, a great link. And love the 'new' stuff, that I have not seen yet, on vance's tweet, in one of the articles in the link: ‘Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.’” Can you imagine the powerful ads they can have, merely using vance's own words? They better be working on it, but hopefully not using Biden's very weak ad team, but new folks.
  24. Yes, the ultimate yes man. And we have definitely seen where it went in the last few weeks. Yikes. They may get rid of him, as trump is the least loyal person who has maybe ever entered American politics and he sees all the negative press Vance is getting. It his worst nightmare--bad press and the media for his boy, vance, taking away press and ignoring him, as they focus on crazy man hypocrite vance. Cant wait to see how Maga reacts to the fact that Vance had a Hindu wedding, that his wife is Hindu, and the pictures of Vance in his Hindu wedding clothes gets out to them. Kind of undermines their huge Christian Nationalists message, doesn't it? Those pigs are going to be furious!
  25. Nope, I understand it perfectly, think you need to do some serious reading, look at the actual facts--rather than just believe any nonsense that is thrown your way without any actual facts, evidence.
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