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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. Bills 35, Titans 17 At home, the defense goes nuts, sacking and pillaging and such, with turnovers fueling the offense, keeping it going. Finally the running backs start to all eat too, in an offense when for some reason that has not really been the case. It should not just be Cook. And Brady starts to realize what kind of running and catching weapons he has there. As the game progresses, Cooper starts to show what he will bring to the Bills--an intermediary threat to compliment Shakir's 1-12 yard threat--the missing element to this offense. Samuel and Knox finally light it up. Okay, it's what I want to see, but some of it will likely happen on the way to the big win!
  2. Thanks, did not know the details of the station ownership. More importantly: "Jerry does two shows a week on that station" and "Stephen does one" Yikes--shows one reason why the team is soo dysfunctional, and why the players seem so unhappy, with every man for himself, with that blowhard, and GM and OWNER, making his often extremely team undermining views known for all to hear, at an incredibly high rate.
  3. Moronic because they asked Jones relevant questions? Hence, he deserved what jones said? Threatening to fire and mocking a radio host is "not that bad"? If you think that is "not that bad" if jones threatened his life maybe that would do it for you? I have actually never heard anything "that bad" from an owner speaking directly to a host in all my life.
  4. He has not brought in good talent to field a good, contending team. Not since Jimmy Johnson left. He chooses players like a high school kid who doesn't know much about football, the nuts and bolts, so chooses and then overpays for flashy, incomplete players that get some attention--Prescott, Parsons, our buddy diggs... So then Jerry gets a little more of what he truly wants--a spotlight on him. Like that awful monstrosity he built for his 'team' to play in, he is always just going for the shiny object as he thinks it reflects well on him. But, instead, he has become a joke, a punchline, with an extremely flawed team that he is responsible for creating. Now he is lashing out, unhinged, because he is in a hole he cannot dig out of. His only hope is to find a high quality GM, and turn the reigns over to him. But he won't do that.
  5. Thanks for the details. I have no idea what the content of the complaint was but seems over the line by the Bills if true. But, of course, very different from what Jones did, the public humiliation on the air and explicit threat of firing.
  6. What are you referring to? I don't know. Can you clarify?
  7. I would definitely change the wording in your topic, the "gets snippy". Sounds like he said something snarky to a waiter because he didn't like the way his steak was cooked. (And I am sure jones abuses waiters too, when those lowly peasants do not please him.) Instead, jones lambasted the host of a radio show interviewing him because he dared to ask the emperor himself if the team's problems were related to the fact that almost no players were added to address the team weaknesses after last season, referencing the criticism of him in the off season. jones threatened to fire him for asking him the question, saying he could get someone else to sit there with a microphone and ask him more appropriate questions, etcetera. When the host laughed once at king jerry's words, threat, jones interrupted him and said he was "not kidding". He bragged that he would be meeting with the other 32 NFL owners this week and that maybe this hack (my word), the know it all, thinks he could do such an important thing. He said he was not going to sit there and be asked what he has done wrong when clearly he has done so much more right over the years. He wasn't going to "look back at decisions" When the host said that the criticism was that jones did not, and would not, spend to add players in the off-season, lord jerry said, "I remember those criticisms well--so what? What's your point?... This is not your job, to go over all the reasons I did something. ...That is not your job, or I'll get someone else to ask these questions", causing the host to laugh uncomfortably as one would tend to do when their job is threatened on the air because you are asking the team owner and GM a reasonable question about the team. Context: jerry almost always praises the great talent on the team after losses, clearly indicating he, and his chosen talent, are not the reason for the losses. But Dallas has given up 167 points in their last 4 home games. In that stretch, their best home game defensively was a few weeks ago when they gave up only 28 points to the Ravens, rather than the 44, 47 and 48 given up in the other four home losses. Tyrannical, unhinged etcetera are much more accurate descriptors than 'snippy', to describe how this warped man laid into the host of the radio show, threatening his livelihood, and mocking him, because he had the audacity to question the emperor on the imploding mess of a team that he has created. Shameful, and the league should definitely discipline jones, let the other owners know that they do not get to abuse their significant power just because they have it. A personal side note to Mr. diggs: you gotta get out of there, don't you think?, though you are exactly the kind of player that embodies jerry's team to a tee.
  8. Come on!! Because Allen leapt over Bubba that somehow diminishes him in your eyes? I hope not.
  9. Okay, but for Edwards we cannot compare his past ratings with his rating for the Bills, as he has not played at all. If the Bills thought he could really improve, be a starter--they have been around 2 excellent starters the last 5+ years, know something about it--Edwards would be starting. The Bills have been able to get what have appeared to be middle of the road players, at best, and turned them into starting quality, high caliber defensive backs time and time again under McDermott. So, for now, they seem to have no confidence that Edwards can be one of those guys. I was not impressed with the signing, thought he should not be a starter this year, despite the praise heaped on him from some media, especially Brown and Tasker on One Bills Live.
  10. I agree with your take. When I see plays like that it seems so out of place, like they're playing scared; way too conservative, playing not to lose. But I always get the feeling as I see it happening, that the result will be the opposite. You lose when you play scared, and don't trust your players to do what they normally do.
  11. Well, good point, and Miller definitely seemed to be on that trajectory in his first games of the season, overall. But I do think Cooper 'moves the dial' in the playoffs too, whether or not Miller continues to progress. Although that does not mean I think he makes them a true contender if the safety issue is not fixed.
  12. Not a bad idea, but poor Bass! Imagine being in this position, clearly wanting, and likely doing everything possible to get better. But things are still spiraling, to some degree, and then the added pressure of people calling for your head. It'd be really hard to overcome. I guess it is part of the deal for an NFL kicker.
  13. Be careful what you wish for. We have seen a slew of really bad kickers over the years. That is not Bass. Just replacing him with a warm body is a bad idea for a team that may contend for a championship this year.
  14. Wow, did not even think it was pronounced like that. Thanks. Buddha Boy was my nickname for my brother when we were kids. Not sure what you mean--Pff gave low ratings to Poyer, is that what you are saying?
  15. ? Because it is pretty clear that he is a work in progress and if Bishop is a full time starter, right out of the gate, it will put the Bills at a disadvantage, the Bills should just stand pat and let that be the case? To me, that is very nonsensical. It would be like saying the Bills are not giving Coleman a chance to develop, are giving up on him, because they signed Cooper. In the case of Coleman/Cooper, it would have been negligent to stand pat, to wait and hope beyond hope that he can develop much much more quickly than he is--and than is expected for a rookie wide-out in most cases. So if you believe that, that the Cooper trade means that, I can see why you would also believe that they should just wait, and hope beyond hope, that Bishop can immediately become the high caliber safety most hope and (still) expect him to be in the future. That is how bad teams operate, not a team like the Bills. If they want to win it this year, good teams have the mindset of making sure all vital positions are manned effectively--'right here, right now'. Bishop comes from a much different defense in college and the NFL transition is already difficult as it is. It will likely take him a year or so to become a capable every down starter, though of course we all hope that happens today instead. And I think you would agree: immediately starting is not always the best way to enhance development, and that more methodically developing a player does not mean you are "delaying his development". Right? And that sometimes just throwing a player into the fire immediately sets him back considerably.
  16. Yes on Rapp, but Bishop likely needs more seasoning this year, should not start right away, should not be a full time starter. It would be like making Williams a full time starter at linebacker in his first year. It would likely hinder Cole's growth, or the Bills' growth.. It appears to be a pretty significant weakness, maybe as glaring as wide receiver was. If the Bills want to go for it this year, seems like that may be too big of an obstacle to overcome. If so, they need a high caliber partner for Rap soon.
  17. He's a wild, twisted, ferocious, relentless animal. So, yeah, definitely.
  18. Maybe not two firsts, but a one and a 2? yes siree Bobcat Jack. Make it happen. McDermott has never had a lineman like that because his teams have consistently been too good to get one in the draft. A player like that maybe is worth 2 #1s. I convinced myself! Josh would settle for a little less, can likely scrape by on 50 million a year or so...
  19. No, no evidence of that. Just that the Cardnals are 2-4, the Bills desperately need a starting safety, and I really liked (what I thought was) his name. Wishful thinking, basically, but you never know until you try.And Beane is pretty good at getting big things done.
  20. Wow, that is a very depressing take! Lol, as I read it again. I don't think that will happen with Bubba! He is NOT Edwards. I never understood the hype some spouted for Edwards as he was a fairly low rated safety, in the mid 50s for PFF while Poyer was in the low 80s last year. That number would indicate a back up caliber player, who could fill in when needed, as he did in KC. So, bring on Bubba..
  21. Who the fu** names their kid Budda?? Probably some politically correct crap, thinking 'Bubba' is stereotype now. If he comes here, he is Bubba. Period. So that does solve the problem with his real name sucking. I do want him again now.
  22. I had already envisioned us all yelling at Bills' games, after a big hit that knocks the ball and the defender out, filling The Ralph with: "Bubba!! Bubba!!....." Budda just doesn't cut it, I just tried it out. Give it a shot, see what I mean. I don't want him anymore. Can I just delete the OP?
  23. Thanks, but that really sucks. I really wanted him to be Bubba, may not even want him anymore.
  24. If the Bills think they can contend this year, Budda Baker can help with that. He'd be be an excellent starting safety for the Bills. The Cardinals are 2-4 The Bills are giving up lotsa big plays, something they are not accustomed to doing. Budda could help with that and make Rapp more effective. Cooper was a great signing, strengthening the weakest area of the team with a wideout who had 1250 receiving yards last season. Now, Budda can help turn the 2nd weakest area into a strength. if not Baker, a long shot I know, any other good safeties possibly available?
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