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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. You're on my sh*t list
  2. Well, without any statistical proof, or any basis of your opinion, that makes you an idiot, no? Thanks for playing. Ah, Just kidding I think you may be right, though I hope not. What? What?
  3. If I said I was sorry, would you tell me how we're going to be in a recession in 06? I need to plan. Pleae help me.
  4. So you're clear, this is what you said "Say hello to a major recession. Due date? Early '06." Please tell me how and why and what you base this educated decision on.
  5. Your right. But your still an idiot. Please tell me where you get your news? Oh great, you add your bull/sh*t after my post, nice edit. You little weasel. You're right, your little peon self shouldnt come here. There, I've told you twice that you're right, make you feel better? Answer the question.
  6. Nice post, though your Handle should be applied to brandon. Thank for your insight.
  7. You could always leave, no? You people always amaze me. The confidence you wield is breathtaking, only that you're an idiot. I feel better now.
  8. AD's vast information highway............. Sorry, couldnt help it. Just think about it before you get mad at me Friggin GG, check's in the mail.
  9. Just wondering, will there be a post when it gets to $68 bucks? Cause this play by play is getting boring. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=27921
  10. Welcome ( I thought blood red was suitable in this case )
  11. Such a nice looking Irish girl..... http://www.denverbroncos.com/page.php?id=117&contentID=484
  12. http://cagle.msnbc.com/politicalcartoons/P...s/donwright.asp
  13. This one ranks right up there.
  14. eggzakry
  15. Slo-mo has her nip flying out in the one.
  16. Lets not forget the whining he did to get out of Baltimore.
  17. I guess you overestimated yourself. So much for the stock holder. They're supposed to make a profit, not accommodate your ass. Did you bother to look up who Ticketmaster is a part of? I thought not............
  18. That doesn’t surprise me Then you should spend less time here. No, I'm quite comfortable with me calling you a !@#$ing troll. Chowda? Where do you think I'm from, New England?
  19. So much for answering my question first. And I believe I asked first, Putz. Returning a question with a question, lame...........
  20. So please explain to us how easy it is to generate tickets with a smaller cost to the public? Are you lame? Should it be for free? Idiot.............
  21. I guess you didnt understand, go back and read it again. Thats because you would have been called out as the patsy troll that you are. Let me say it again for you, only louder, YOU'RE A PATSY TROLL!! Oh, and BTW, I dont give a sh*t if I hurt you feelings. Thats uncalled for? kitty!! Go cry in some chowda.......
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