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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. 'Hurricane Sandy Has Already Created More Jobs Than Obama Has' http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/11/01/leno-hurricane-sandy-has-already-created-more-jobs-obama-has#ixzz2AyXsvQeA
  2. Happy Birthday!!
  3. http://nation.foxnews.com/joe-biden/2012/10/26/video-biden-accuses-romney-500-trillion-tax-cut
  4. That one is part of the top ten. Here are the other 9.
  5. It’s a shame further congressional hearings won’t begin again until after the election (my guess). What a cluster !@#$. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/
  6. I rarely, rarely agree with you. But I will this time. ONCE.LOL
  7. Nice one. LOL. Great Movie.
  8. Means nothing, thats why. Thanks for stopping by.
  9. Only in San Francisco. Article and Video. http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2012/10/24/sf-massage-parlor-to-offer-350-face-slaps/
  10. Well at least they'll get the "Pill" for free.
  11. I'll just throw this in here. Another left wing nut job. Yeah troops!! Ted Turner: I Think It's Good US Troops Are Commiting Suicide http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/10/25/Ted-Turner-I-Think-Its-Good-US-Troops-Are-Commiting-Suicide
  12. I didnt think they were going to get this thing done with what was going on back in 2011. Congrats!!
  13. Thanks. I did get your PM, though I've been a little swamped lately. I will respond to it, Jim.
  14. Great idea. I'm thinking on going out there next year for a game or two. April or May.
  15. YIKES!! Parking at Game one in SF. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/park-car-130-world-series-photo-045423381--mlb.html#more-id
  16. + 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00
  17. Powerfull. Thanks for the link.
  18. obama the dead beat. http://www.sj-r.com/top-stories/x2053812816/City-gives-up-on-Obama-Biden-bill
  19. Romney Rally at Red Rocks CO. Article and video. http://www.denverpost.com/ci_21839256/romney-ryan-rally-at-red-rocks
  20. Yup. Use to go once and a while. Had a 67 Cutlass Convet, 442. 4 barrel Holly with a hurst shift kit. Won a few lost a few. I stop going cause the cops kept showing up to often. I didnt need any more points on my DL, already had enough. LOL I will say this. Your thread brought back some pretty cool memories.
  21. obama lied and Americans died.
  22. Its just white noise after a while. Florida..........
  23. And Trump would be the guy to get them. We shall see.
  24. School transcripts?
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