I heard that on the radio earlier. Thanks for finding it. He should have shoved the mike up his ass and told him thats where you idiots find most of your news.
should read "Went to Dallas"
Btw, what facts, it's a prediction you fool.
You want facts? Here's some for you. You're a short fat jarhead queer homo Brady loving Pats fan.
There is a small area that is pressurized for creatures in the cargo-nose area of the plane. Though, some of the ground crews have put animals in the wrong hold in the past. Its sad to see.
Happy birthday. See, I spent the time to at least type out Happy Birthday, wheras some really didnt care enough to do that. I wont mention any names, but you know who they are.
Just keep it between the lines tonight, have fun.
Stay out of the south side, like Hamburg and Orchard Park. generally in the fall they have all these ass//holes show up drinking beer and screaming Buffalo something. Not sure what they're saying, nice enough folks I suppose, but still. I'd be carful.