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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Everyone is going to talk about a "grass roots" effort. I dont see it happening in my lifetime. Maybe a complete meltdown of the Gov. Or maybe a couple of Nukes going off in this country, dont know........
  2. Since when is there a simple Polish mind? Back on track, you're right, but the media wouldnt be able to sell the advertising time, sorry. Non-story.
  3. Its another example of how far out of bounds the media has taken this Mick. Its part of the story. While I dont like it either, its whats new. And Boom, I'm with you. I heard that on the radio, on my way home. That woman has gone through enough. Getting ripped apart by some fringe fractions that never had her best interests at heart, and losing her son.
  4. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, silly men, I can see the sig lines. I was only pointing out the benifits and features of this fine board. Just in case he didnt know. See?
  5. I dont think this is funny but.......I heard this on the radio today. They called her "The B word in the Ditch "
  6. On your board settings, you can opt not to show any Sig's. Pretty handy
  7. Yeah, but only to sell Season Tickets to fans
  8. I'm Tivo'ing a book at home while I'm at work. I can skip all the dull parts with my new Tivo for books.
  9. You know, I say I'm sorry, and they still do not believe me, wonder why? Maybe I need to grovel more,eh?
  10. I thought I'd take a stab at it anyway. Like the Sig?
  11. You may have a point. Thats why I said I was sorry to Brad. Did you miss that? Plus I thought you were done, thats what you said?
  12. Yup, then with tatertot.
  13. Feel better.
  14. So if it was Rudy or BF or some other poster it would be ok to call them !@#$tard when they come up with some kind of weird bullsh&t like he did? If it makes some of you feel better..... Sorry Brad.
  15. And you see none from the left? I had thought you smarter than this. Guess not......
  16. I'll take that bet, good point Boom. Just imagine, her, Kennedy, Michelle Moore, Natzi Pollisi, Dean, all on stage, breathtaking...........
  17. So whos right then, when you say it or the other side says it. You've just made yourselves look as pathetic as the others. Cheers. Idiots all of you. Argue that idiots.
  18. Contibuting to PETA then I see. Nice work Mike.
  19. You mean nothing to me in Florida, though maybe you should get a room with sh&thead, damn too coincidental, sorry this plays out like a bad " d " movie.
  20. Is the spread of communism different than the spread of terrorism? And where would you go to root out Terrorism? Is there a specific place that you would start? I'd like to think that you do believe there is a terrorism problem, right? Please tell me.
  21. Sorry, He was on a 10 day special Seal hunting vacation. At least according to his Post on his web site. www.ihat!@#$ingseals,thoughilikebeatingthemdodeathwithaclub,prettyneatreally.com
  22. Tragic, if all this is indeed true, whats your point? Where's the perfection in anything Doc?
  23. Very nice! (CM still sucks)
  24. I hope you're only being sarcastic. If not
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