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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. No, cant be. Its Bush's fault. He didnt act quick enough. ( Thanks for the link BiB )
  2. Actuallyl your pal kind of agreed with me. Its an opinon that he seemed to maybe share. You OK?
  3. (We're all gonna die, man.................. )
  4. That was to easy. Feel better guppy? Of course there are cars that get good MPG. (Whats highlighted is funny and lame)
  5. Ok, so where do we start? The back bone of this economy for many years has been the car industries. What would you do to the Millions or so unionized that live off of the tit. Any ideas? Do you realize how much it takes to create a prototype car? And how many years?
  6. You missed the point, the aim for this country was to bring them out of the 16th century. We pulled them through the sand storms. Now they control us, for lack of a better term. Both the Dim’s and the rep’ub have done it, cant you see that?
  7. And why is only the GOP backers? Get off the party suck box, think alittle bit......
  8. (!@#$ the spelling, don’t read this then) I'm having a hard time dealing with this ANWAR thing. Its not the problem, we can get enough oil if we want. We brought the middle east into the 21 (or 22 century, depending on who you believe) It was in our best interest to do that. The big three had the capabilities of developing a much better car, more fuel efficient. Wasn’t gonna happen. Just think of the jobs that could be lost due to a car that got 30MPG back in the 70's, or a car that had a set of plugs last longer than 15 or 25 thousand miles. In the grand scheme of things, the global plan was for the middle east to catch up, while sustaining our economy at the same time. There is enough oil to bring us into the 22 century and beyond, we're just 50 years behind..........
  9. I do declare, you are quite right.........
  10. I think he's talented enough to challenge JP for the starters job. But he knows why he was brought here, thats to back him up. With the hits that Qb's take in the NFL, I wouldnt be suprised if Holcomb starts 4 or 5 games this year just because of Mr. happy feet getting blasted by an LB.........
  11. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050831/1069845.asp
  12. I've used this many, many times before making travel plans. Google...................................Just kidding, its the best, I think.
  13. Congrats Tater!! Another tatertot, sweet!!
  14. Right, she looks like a he though.
  15. Where do they play?
  16. I hope he's get a plan.
  17. Glad there safe, though I dont think they'll be riding out anymore Hurricanes, ya think?
  18. You may be right on the water coming from the north, but I'd bet there are some Gators that have been displaced, maybe a lot of them. Who knows. I was just sitting here thinking how bad it would be if I had to go through what some of those folks are going through, sad.
  19. People better watch out for Gators too.
  20. Here's a link for about 400 pictures of the damage across the Gulf, terrible........ http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/events/ts/...HNlYwNzc25hdg--
  21. I just gave blood last week.
  22. What does that gobblygooop mean, excatly.
  23. You're right. My brother in law was suppose to close on his house he sold up there tomorrow. I wonder whats left of it, it was just outside of Hattisburg, right where the eye went over.
  24. I think I'll use my money for something that gains in value, rather than spending 20K on something that will be worth 5K 6 years later. Do you have dinner ready for the better half yet?
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