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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Nice, wasnt it? I'm still wondering why this thread hasnt had as much activity as I thought it would. I liked the article too Kev.........................
  2. You have a way with words....... Hope you had a good Holiday, my friend.
  3. Thats really a stupid question. The answer is, nobody is above the law, including people who ask stupid questions.
  4. I love the way the Bush basher all line up to blame the feds. You're an idiot.
  5. Hey wild man Day off? You'd be suprised how central I am. Didnt you see the shiit I caught on the Terry Shiavio story? Also, I've never voiced my opinons on Abortion here either. Some things I wont discuss here. You've been warned..............
  6. If I was her Parent, I'd give her a time out.
  7. Tom, I'm a little short on cash also after giving to the relief. But I'd be happy to send some clothes to you if they need some, let me know PM. You're a good man Tom....
  8. Sorry, Damn kids wanted my attention. I kid. I liked your post Al, Thanks for responding to my question. I read your response and didnt think there was a need for me to respond to anything.
  9. Maybe the idiot should just open his wallet.
  10. Good one.... So true Nanker
  11. And you're supprised by that comment?
  12. No, and stop the bull /sh-- about listing to me. Keep speaking up. Dont hold back just because I suggested. You've had some good post throughout this ordeal E. Some of the best you've ever had. Some great common sense posts. Its when you get Loons like Mike posting his shiit that fry's my ass. Keep up the good work, peace. Though, remember, I'll still tell you when you're full of shiit. Hug the kids tonight Bro.....
  13. Just saw $25.99. Better trade in those SUV's
  14. But yet there are so many clinton!@#$s that play it the same way. So whos right? No President is beyond reproach, anyone that thinks that way should have their head looked at. But, who here will say that their man is or was wrong?
  15. This was something I had typed before an earlier post , well..... Thanks BiB. I think you'll agree its deeper than your response. Anybody that was told numerous times to leave, and didn’t, has no correlation to color. Securing their safety of their families regardless of color should have been priority number one. Its incumbent upon ourselves to take care of our selves, and not to rely one the government. The city of N.O was asked numerous times to evacuate, some decided to stay and take the chance of survival. Then only to complain, that the Government has not done enough. A state of emergency was declared two days before Katrina hit. There has to be some accountability on all sides, not just the local and state, and ultimately the federal government. I'm sickened by the idiocy of some on this board who have no idea of what their talking about. I'll await Al's response
  16. You !@#$, all over my monitor, ---- -----, bastard, bastard, bastd=atlurgn'5hnm m; e5kyb'po,5yb['po
  17. We agree on Gearaldo If you dont mind, a tough question to pose. Do you think racism should be brought up here Al, I'd like a Black man's perspective. Thanks.
  18. Did you see Smiths and Geraldo last night? Take emotion out of the reporting, then you get factual reports. Understand? No offense Al.
  19. Reading an unbiased report of whats going on? No, I wont read it. I'll watch the national news, they'll tell me the truth with no spin or political slant. Thanks but no thanks. Signed: Mr. Lemming <extream sarcasm>
  20. Thanks Scott (Golf Clap )
  21. !@#$ING A, BROTHER!!!!!!!! (keep low Rob )
  22. No criticism. Here I'll use whatshisnames coment on you then ""I am not trying to blame anyone here, I am just giving you the facts." Fact is you forgot his name. I'm not blaming you for not having any recall, its just the facts. Just like whathisnamesays. That better Mr. Sensitive.
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