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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Thinking Out of the box
  2. That goes without saying. Mcnair was murdered, and jboy said he hoped he was rotting in hell. With that kind of thinking, maybe Clinton should be killed and rot in hell too.
  3. So having an affair should get you murdered?
  4. good luck in LA today. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/20/Thanksgiving-LAX-shutdown-union
  5. Considering attendence, I'd say thats a small number. See link for attendence for 2011..... http://espn.go.com/nfl/attendance/_/year/2011
  6. I think within one year.
  7. Go Bain Capitial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. What a gracious Hostess you are.........
  9. Right. Darin mod's this place fine. We dont need no stinkin other mods butt'n their big buttheads over here like Simon, jack or you butterbeernut.
  10. The rat infestation has now reached one per square foot (about 10 per square meter) on Pinzon, where an estimated 180 million rodents reside. . http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/weird/180-Million-Rats-Targeted-with-22-Tons-of-Poison-on-Galapagos-179468621.html
  11. No. I meant, just leave this place as is.
  12. The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.
  13. Ooooops. All Up In My Snatch. http://weeklystandard.com/blogs/abc-affiliate-ran-phony-cover-broadwell-book_663264.html LOL
  14. Beatles - A hard days night. http://www.jpgr.co.uk/pcs3058.html
  15. Romney Three times LOL
  16. Yeah I saw the video of this earlier today. Biden makes Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar.
  17. Shiv the Mo Fo.........
  18. LOL Steroid pack will take care of the gout.
  19. You really are a tool. You better hurry up the short bus is waiting for you...
  20. You REALLY are a retard, you dumb !@#$, google it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/wp/2012/10/25/a-possible-nightmare-scenario-for-counting-votes-in-ohio/ http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20121025/NEWS010601/310250037/Ohio-s-nightmare-voting-scenario
  21. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/ohio-provisional-ballots-delay/2012/11/01/id/462413 I see cluster !@#$ all over this. snip......... For the first time in the key swing state’s history, Blackwell says, virtually all Ohio voters this year were mailed an application for an absentee ballot. In previous elections, most Ohio voters had to request an application for an absentee ballot to receive one. The concern is that thousands of Ohio voters may complete the absentee-ballot application and receive an absentee ballot, but not bother to complete and mail in the ballot. Anyone who is sent an absentee ballot — including those who do not complete it and mail it in — and later shows up at the polls on Election Day to cast their ballot in person will be instructed to instead complete a provisional ballot. And under Ohio election law, provisional ballots cannot be opened until 10 days after an election. “I would just say that this is a potential nightmare-in-waiting,” says Blackwell. Blackwell believes that could result in an unprecedented number of provisional ballots being filed – some 250,000 or more. Such a large number of ballots being held, presumably under armed guard, for 10 days until they can be opened, would bring to mind the historic 2000 post-election battle in Florida. That recount was marked by ballot disputes — and inevitably, lawsuits. “You’re talking about craziness for 10 days,” Blackwell tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview. “They won’t even be opened to be counted for 10 days.” According to a report by Barry M. Horstman of the Cincinnati Enquirer, absentee-ballot applications were mailed to 6.9 million of Ohio’s 7.8 million registered voters. As of Oct. 26, Ohio election officials had mailed out 1.3 absentee ballots. Of those absentee ballots, 950,000 had been completed and mailed back in. That leaves some 350,000 absentee ballots that had been requested and sent to voters, but had not yet been received. Ohio voters who requested an absentee ballot, but did not complete it and mail it back in, will not be allowed to vote normally. Explains Blackwell: “So they go to the polls and say, ‘I want my ballot.’ And [poll workers] say, ‘Oh, we see you applied for an absentee ballot.’ The voter says, ‘Oh, I changed my mind.’ And they say, ‘That’s well and good, but we have to guarantee that you don’t vote twice. You have to fill out a provisional ballot.’” Provisional ballots are used whenever someone shows up at the polls whose eligibility to vote cannot be immediately verified. Their name may not show up on the voter rolls, for example. Rather than turn them away, state election officials typically have those individuals indicate their voting preference with a provisional ballot. Once their eligibility to vote has been established, the vote can be counted. The use of provisional ballots is intended to prevent any voter from casting one ballot by mail, and then a second ballot at the polling place. Ohio’s current secretary of state, Republican Jon Husted, pushed for the absentee-ballot applications to go out to all voters, according to Blackwell. In previous Ohio elections, a few counties would automatically send out absentee-ballot applications to all their residents, while the vast majority of counties would not. Husted sought to make the absentee ballot process uniform across Ohio’s 88 counties.
  22. And THAT's a fact!!Nice one, B-man.....
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