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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Marino had an affair with former CBS Sports production assistant Donna Savattere, and the two had a daughter, Chloe, in June 2005. http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1879683
  2. GOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLYYYYY, Sgt Carter is going to be pissed.
  3. Guff's got a new avatar. LOL
  4. http://boston.cbslocal.com/2013/01/29/report-ray-lewis-used-banned-substance-to-recover-from-torn-triceps/
  5. We had about 200 cars buried at our car dealership. That was fun digging them out!! 2 weeks later I flew to Hawaii for a month's vacation.
  6. http://shine.yahoo.com/work-money/kate-uptons-mercedes-ad-too-tacky-sexy-194300914.html
  7. Raise your paw if you've been Rosen'ed
  8. Too funny. I had this same conver with a co-worker at lunch today. Not for the Bills per-se. He'd probably need to bulk up a little more, may 10 or 15 LB's.Anyway if he wants to stay in the NFL that might be his only shot WRT playing time. IMHO
  9. Ralph must have been driving......
  10. Breaking news........ http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Oil-tanker-hits-Bay-Bridge-4172745.php
  11. A buddy of mine has been in similar pools like that for years. I liked the 10% to charity thingy.
  12. In a heartbeat. http://i.cdn.turner.com/dr/teg/tsg/release/sites/default/files/assets/suzyfavorcalendar1.jpg
  13. I dont remember.
  14. What? Where? Who? When? I cant remember either.
  15. I Heard on the radio coming into work that they've been freed. They were at a check point and a small gun fight broke out with two of the terrorists being killed. Engle and his cameraman were then freed.
  16. Looks like you've put on some weight my friend. I keed, I keed.
  17. Its a picture of me in NY City a few years ago.
  18. Yes we can. Forward.
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