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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Sure you can. From 1957 to 1969, the Celtics dominated the league winning 11 championships in 13 years, and eight in a row (1959–1966), the longest consecutive streak of any North American pro sports team.
  2. http://music.yahoo.c...-182650795.html And now, Keith's ode to the humble plastic receptacle is up for video of the year and male video of the year at Wednesday's 2012 CMT Awards. Now I cant get that song out of my head!!
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/ray-bradbury-dies-california-143150129.html LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ray Bradbury has died at 91 after a lengthy career of writing everything from science-fiction and mystery to humor. Reached at Bradbury's home, his daughter, Alexandra Bradbury, says her father died Tuesday night in Southern California. She did not have additional details. Bradbury transformed his childhood dreams and Cold War fears into telepathic Martians, lovesick sea monsters, and his vision of a high-tech, book-burning future in "Fahrenheit 451." He also scripted the 1956 film version of "Moby Dick" and wrote for "The Twilight Zone." Bradbury's series of stories in "The Martian Chronicles" was a Cold War morality tale in which events on another planet served as a commentary on life on this planet. It has been published in more than 30 languages.
  4. Thank you for your sacrifice and your service.
  5. I go for a long ride in my car looking for spandex wearing stoned bike riders to run over. Calms me down perfectly. Great stress relief.
  6. You really should look that up. Maybe try Google.
  7. Cool story, HG.
  8. That's alot of Faaagina!!!!
  9. As a florida voter also, obama IMO wont win here again.
  10. I've got goose bumps. He's got my vote come November!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. It'll make for some good TV tonight.
  12. The more and more I hear and read about Bill Clinton, the more convinced I am he wants obama to lose. Badly!! http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0612/77037.html http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/06/05/Clinton-Slams-Obama-Im-the-Only-Guy-Who-Gave-You-Four-Surplus-Budgets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5UBMg5mn4I
  13. True. Nobody else could have pulled the trigger like obama. A freakin hero, I tells YA!!
  14. And so it begins........... Dem's cry foul http://elections.wispolitics.com/2012/06/dems-cry-foul-early-into-election-day.html
  15. Sorry for your loss. Prayers heading to you and the rest of your family.
  16. Up-date, back to jail. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/State-files-motion-to-revoke-George-Zimmmerman-s-bond/-/1637132/14427188/-/m6p8sy/-/index.html
  17. I trully believe that also. a snip from Ed Kliens book. An anecdote is described where Bill and Hillary Clinton are having an argument that took place over several days (a screaming match actually, with a dozen people present); that, because Obama had basically destroyed the economy, caused the downgrade of the U.S.’s credit rating for the first time in history, etc., etc.; that Obama was, according to Bill Clinton, an “Amateur” (this is the source of the title of the book); that Hillary needed to challenge Obama in 2012 in order to save the country from sliding off the cliff. http://www.westernjournalism.com/edward-kleins-the-amateur-book-review/
  18. Yeah I read that earlier today. Tell me BC doesnt want obama to lose. Priceless!!
  19. Thread/ http://images2.wikia...-dead-horse.gif
  20. Maybe so but debates can swing votes. Nixon sweating like a pig Reagon saying "there you go again" Geaorge H looking at his watch. Dukackas, on the rape question. For a few examples of what people might precieve as being weak or being not interested means something.
  21. Maybe the Hanson brothers can play a little hockey with him.
  22. Really? You believe that? So a HUGE gaff in one of the debates by one of them means nothing? Right. That fence post you sit on has got to hurt the crack of you ass. Jesus!!!
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