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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Ralph's no longer cheap??
  2. Not good. http://www.timesofisrael.com/turkey-mobilizes-troops-to-syrian-border/ http://ca.news.yahoo.com/turkey-respond-violation-syria-says-premier-101609103.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/26/syria-crisis-idUSL6E8HQBBR20120626 "Our rational response should not be perceived as weakness, our mild manners do not mean we are a tame lamb," he told a meeting of his parliamentary party. "Everybody should know that Turkey's wrath is just as strong and devastating as its friendship is valuable."
  3. Lie detector test results. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/george-zimmerman-lie-detector-421395 Though these cant be used in court, I believe. Whatever, there it is...................
  4. 1951 was pretty darn good too. The African Queen An American in Paris The Day the Earth Stood Still A Place in the Sun Strangers on a Train A Streetcar Named Desire The Thing
  5. I loved this comment in there: I played it backwards, and guess what it said after 6 minutes? "Paul.... is.... old." :lol:
  6. I read this, this morning. She say's "No Way" http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/06/26/condi-rice-there-is-no-way-i-will-be-romneys-running-mate/
  7. $5 bucks says Kickball.
  8. I would think that using the name " Buffalo Bills", they're going to have to pay The Bills for using their name.
  9. My Favorite line: Girl in "Chock Full O'Nuts": You're a cop! Snake Plissken I'm an azz hole
  10. With holidays included I get 5 1/2 weeks per year.
  11. <-------------thats me!!!
  12. I wonder if this story will grow some legs. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304765304577480871706139792.html?mod=hp_opinion#articleTabs%3Darticle A basic rule of White House ethics is to avoid even the appearance of self-dealing or nepotism. If Mr. Axelrod or his West Wing chums pushed political business toward Mr. Axelrod's former firm, they contributed to his son's salary as well as to the ability of the firm to pay Mr. Axelrod what it still owed him. Could you imagine the press frenzy if Karl Rove had dome the same after he joined the White House?
  13. You're funny. You bust his chops on that and yet two posts up you wrote this. I'm trying to thing what would happen if my current project went pear-shaped (and by the way - yes, I do have specific instructions for retention of documentation in case the project goes sideways and testimony is required in front of a Congressional hearing. Really? :lol: :lol:
  14. I present WH spokesman, the one and only.....................Carney for some laughs. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/white-house-spokesman-executive-privilege-entirely-about-principle_647707.html
  15. I did a better job than Holder is doing. /John Ashcroft
  16. I guess you're not old enough to remember Watergate. A little side note. When the break in occured, I was staying in the hotel accross the street. Wild.
  17. They might need a guy like Mark Felt to help a bit.
  18. You may be right, but I think eventually it will be told.
  19. This ^^^^^^^^ ..............and if you see one you can bet your ass there's plenty more lurking around. Get you house sprayed big cat.
  20. This ^^^^^^^^^ Lazy would be another word too. Cause Y'know thats what his generation is all about.
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