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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. More ammo. The Biggest tax increase in the history of America.
  2. So the other ones wont work for you, eh? THE BIGGEST TAX INCREASE IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Period!
  3. Amid economic recession, a spiraling federal debt, and accelerating increases in government health spending, they proposed a bill that has made these problems worse.“Americans were promised lower health care costs. They’re going up. “Americans were promised lower premiums. They’re going up. “Most Americans were promised their taxes wouldn’t change. They’re going up. “Seniors were promised Medicare would be protected. It was raided to pay for a new entitlement instead. “Americans were promised it would create jobs. The CBO predicts it will lead to nearly 1 million fewer jobs. “Americans were promised they could keep their plan if they liked it, yet millions have learned they can’t. “And the President of the United States himself promised up and down that this bill was not a tax. “This was one of the Democrats’ top selling points — because they knew it would have never passed if they said it was. The Supreme Court has spoken. This law is a tax. “This bill was sold to the American people on a deception. But it’s not just that the promises about this law weren’t kept. It’s that it’s made the problems it was meant to solve even worse. “The supposed cure has proved to be worse than the disease. “So it’s not just that the promises about this law weren’t kept. It’s that it has made the problems it was meant to solve even worse. http://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=PressReleases&ContentRecord_id=7fc835cd-28a3-44bf-9903-4f8cbbdbff5e&ContentType_id=c19bc7a5-2bb9-4a73-b2ab-3c1b5191a72b&Group_id=0fd6ddca-6a05-4b26-8710-a0b7b59a8f1f
  4. It would demenstrate to the voter before the elections who the idiots were that voted for the biggest TAX INCREASE in American history.
  5. Really? To repeal the biggest tax increase in american history, for one. two, why wait till november when they can use that tax increase to to get themselves re-elected
  6. Here you go fellas. Heres what it going to cost you. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/what-health-bill-means-for-you/#
  7. House to vote to repeal on July 9th http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-congress/2012/06/cantor-house-will-vote-on-repeal-week-of-july-127555.html
  8. Thats what I was thinking too. Somebody needs to crunch the numbers to see how much additional TAXES will be taken out of their pay check.
  9. Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax Sep 20, 2009 9:00am http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2009/09/obama-mandate-is-not-a-tax/ I guess it is obama. This will go down as one of the biggest tax increases in american history.
  10. They must be high fiving in the white house.
  11. The court reinforces that individuals can simply refuse to pay the tax and not comply with the mandate. Apologies - you can't refuse to pay the tax; typo. The only effect of not complying with the mandate is that you pay the tax. The Court holds that the mandate violates the Commerce Clause, but that doesn't matter b/c there are five votes for the mandate to be constitutional under the taxing power.
  12. So the mandate is constitutional. Chief Justice Roberts joins the left of the Court. The Medicaid provision is limited but not invalidated. The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government's power to terminate states' Medicaid funds is narrowly read.
  13. I like it. Shovel ready Aliens for the highway to hell.
  14. Judgment Day Having spent his first 14 months in office on achieving Obamacare, for the former constitutional law lecturer to see his signature reform declared unconstitutional would be a humiliating blow. In ramming the bill through Congress, Obama failed to secure a single Republican vote, thereby shedding his campaign image as a bipartisan uniter. Although passing the bill was a legislative victory, the reform itself has proved to be a political millstone. The censure of Holder, in which a number of Democrats are poised to join Republicans, would also be a major embarrassment because Obama has claimed executive privilege, something he blasted his predecessor George W. Bush for doing.
  15. Um, we may have made a mistake. http://www.timesofisrael.com/syria-may-have-confused-turkish-jet-for-israeli-one-syrian-minister-explains/
  16. I dont think that was staged, Pooj. They'd have to be actors and actresses to be able to pull that stupid stuff off. Thats our youth. Freakin boxes of rocks. I'm still gigglin. Oh. What state are the twin cities in? (again) Chicago!!! :lol:
  17. Well then, maybe you could !@#$ing talk about the Buffalo Bills you !@#$ing Prick.
  18. MY God I couldnt stop laughing.. Example What are the Twin Cities? New....... York. :lol: :lol: :lol: Part 1 http://www.hulu.com/watch/359326 Part 2 http://whatstrending...enos-game-show/ Another link for part 2 http://www.hulu.com/watch/359325
  19. Call a private detective. Maybe for 50 bucks or so he can get you some info from the plate number. Just a thought
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/27/world/middleeast/turkey-seeks-nato-backing-in-syria-dispute.html?_r=1&hp
  21. Hey 1 out of 3 aint bad. Thats batting 333. Shiit, that'll get you into the HOF. Hell the US is 1 out of 5 recently. Talk about weak............
  22. Interesting that, Doc, put that bit'O news in THIS thread. Could it be an Omen???
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