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Everything posted by erynthered

  1. Dane Cook. Wow!! http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/27/dane-cook-jokes-about-theater-shooting/
  2. Interesting.....
  3. I'll just throw this in here. Interesting....... http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll
  4. Thanks. I also did some digging on this and found a couple of other articles about it. He still wont win the Military vote. What a shill.........
  5. Did Romney BOW to anyone yet? obowma is good at that.
  6. What is it you want to know, and why? Also, maybe a private detective?
  7. As was your response.
  8. Crickets................ I cant wait to hear the spin on this from our Liberal Bills brothers here.
  9. oblama says Romneys ad is lies. Its not what oblama said. BUT IT WAS WHAT HE SAID. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/obama-ad-accuses-romney-launching-false-attack-quoting-obama_648762.html
  10. Speaking of taxes. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/reid-cant-explain-why-dems-didnt-raise-taxes-when-they-had-chance_648760.html
  11. WOW.......In a heart beat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. .........and thats the whole schabang right there. Any of these whinners complaining about him releasing more tax returns were never going to vote for him anyway. Tell'em all to !@#$off, Mitt.
  13. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/christie_keynote_tip_R3e3TrQVVURTxpYfdHXkbJ That should be a great speech.
  14. http://www.gainesville.com/article/20120716/ARTICLES/120719707/1109/sports?p=1&tc=pg No charges to be filed. Freaking NICE job sir!!!
  15. I'm sorry for your loss. It was just a thought. Peace.
  16. http://www.brockovich.com/index.html
  17. It's a bird, it's a plan, it's Super Bus Driver!! PLANE
  18. Getting bombarded with ads here in Florida. Hmmm, wonder why.................
  19. That seems to be the OP problem too.
  20. One Q though. WTF does "Snackbar" mean?
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