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Everything posted by KRC

  1. The Blue Checkmarks are going to have a bad afternoon/evening.
  2. Don't forget the high-capacity rounds...with bold-tasting notes and a smooth, buttery finish. https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/collections/coffee/products/brcc-coffee-rounds?variant=6973086915
  3. How much toilet paper am I going to need to stockpile for this murder hornet issue?
  4. All of those researchers out of work. Damn Trump!!!
  5. The facility where my in-laws are staying checks for symptoms of employees before entering the building. They give them COVID tests if there are any symptoms. There have been 5 employees that tested positive. Nobody outside of employees are allowed in the building. They have also shifted patients based on test results to keep the non-COVID patients away from the positive patients. They also have workers only work with one group of patients to minimize transference of the disease. You either only work with positive or only negative patients.
  6. That is already happening now for some who lost their jobs. Not an easy decision.
  7. Nice summary article on Flynn (Trigger Warning: Opinion piece that may not conform to your programming. Snowflakes have been warned.) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/did-the-fbi-target-michael-flynn-to-protect-obamas-policies-not-national-security/ar-BB13GPFZ?ocid=spartanntp
  8. Right on cue. However, did he consult with Schiff first before blowing the whistle?
  9. CNN is NOT happy... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cnn-sends-trump-campaign-cease-and-desist-letter-for-misleading-ad/ar-BB13B1sZ?ocid=spartanntp Selectively editing things should not be tolerated as it could mislead people.
  10. Good point. However, where does the ice cream come in?
  11. The hateful trolls just cannot help themselves. They have to ruin everything.
  12. Does she still have to pass them in order to know what's in them?
  13. More liberal "tolerance?"
  14. I am very discrete, so I will not reveal details.
  15. As mentioned, @Doc Brown is a good poster. @RealKayAdams has always had quality discussion. Unfortunately, there are so many d-bags spewing hate from the left that it chases away people with an actual brain in their heads. That prevents real discussion as they spread their hate, ruining threads as they just try to bring everyone down to their level.
  16. Nope.
  17. I had a chance to speak with him several years back. I had sent him game film from when he played with the Browns. One day, I get a call on my cell. I pick it up and I hear, "Hey Ken. It's Don Shula. Thanks for the game film. It brought back a lot of memories." We talked for a few more minutes, then we scheduled a formal interview that lasted about 45 minutes.
  18. Didn't more people side with Hillary (she won the popular vote!!), who not only had stronger ties to Epstein (through her rapist husband) than Trump, but also had ties with Weinstein?
  19. Grilled turkey and swiss on rye.
  20. Why do they have to say it is Asian? Racists.
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