I am guessing he also does not realize that stock does not only go to top executives. Companies use it as incentives to attract and retain quality workers. My company has been using options and RSU's for a while and you do not have to be in management to get them.
You have to look at why the company is buying back stock. It could be positive or negative. Are they trying to manipulate EPS? Are they trying to get their stock price up if they think it is undervalued? Are they trying to cut the amount of money they pay in dividends? There are a bunch of reasons why companies would buy back stock.
LAMP: Wifey and I were on our honeymoon and we went to their last show (the tiger attack). We met Siegfried when we went back to Las Vegas on our 10th Anniversary and we had a brief conversation with him. Nice guy. We talked about Roy's improvement and how well he was doing with his recovery. RIP Roy.
PA reopening June 4. Primary Election: June 2 (rescheduled from April 28). Hopefully, Wolfy is able to address this by pushing the elections out until after he reopens the state.