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Everything posted by KRC

  1. We agree an having both a payroll tax cut and another round of stimulus. There are far too many people still unemployed for a payroll tax cut to have the desired impact. As you mentioned, we need to increase consumer confidence to get people spending again. People who are unemployed are not confident in spending money if they are relying on unemployment to pay the bills. However, relying on Congress to do the right thing in an election year is highly improbable.
  2. We all know that Tibs loves seeing Americans get killed. Does he enjoy seeing children getting killed more than adults?
  3. Worst. Fascist. Ever.
  4. I understand the calculation of the costs. I also understand that you need to continually recalculate as people drop out of the plan. With those increased costs, more people drop out, causing costs to go up. A perpetual cycle. Not something I need to explain to you as I know you understand it. That is why Obamacare is mandating people participate. As participation goes down (especially the healthy people dropping out), costs will skyrocket and will continue to skyrocket as only the unhealthiest of people will be left in the plan.
  5. The "we are at different ends of the political spectrum" may have been a bit much. You have moved me a little closer to your POV on some issues, but we are farther apart on others. Always appreciate the well thought out posts.
  6. Maybe Trump will give him a Congressional Medal of Honor.
  7. Seven hours in a row? Damn. Talk about sacrifice. He deserves a Purple Heart. I would say monument, but they are not lasting very long these days.
  8. Defending yourself. That is now a crime.
  9. So, is this where I put the "If true..." statement?
  10. 50k posts and still nothing meaningful to say. Whatever. ?
  11. Exactly. I am paying for other people.
  12. I completely agree. The demand is rarely reduced when the sin taxes are imposed. Therefore, people just look for alternatives to get their supply. You mentioned a few. When Canada imposed a tax on cigarettes, all it did was increase smuggling of cigarettes from the U.S. As far as ACA, it relies on 100% participation. Otherwise, the costs become too high and people drop out (causing the costs to go even higher). A self-perpetuating problem unless the government can force people to participate.
  13. The bolded part is where I have an issue. You and I both know the government is not going to pass benefits on to the plebs. Passing the buck to others (employers, the "rich," etc.) is not a viable plan. As the cliché says, eventually, you run out of other people's money. Especially when you have a laundry list of other programs that also need money. While gas taxes may not be new, does not mean we need to continually add more. I constantly hear about how this or that tax will be used for x purpose. It rarely works out. After you pay the kickbacks to Congresscritter's friends to do the work and kickbacks to your campaign contributors and funneling money to your personal campaigns, there is no money left and we hear "we need to raise taxes again." ENOUGH with more taxes (not yelling at you). They already waste enough of my money and use too much of it to enrich themselves for me to give them more. I look forward to your economic thoughts. Spoiler alert: I probably will not agree. ? It is a healthy outlet (however, you may still want to seek help for the multiple personality disorder ?). Even if only a few people read it (I think more people read it than you realize), it is always healthy to discuss actual ideas. You just have to wade through the crap from the trolls. The ignore feature works well, but we are stuck with people continually responding to their crap. I will keep reading, even though you and I are on different ends of the political spectrum. You have convinced me to move more towards your ideas in some areas. Others, not so much. But I appreciate the conversation.
  14. Wouldn't a cash-less society hurt the poor more than anyone? What type of credit cards (interest rates) are they going to get if they are struggling to pay their bills now?
  15. Which means it will be leaked shortly thereafter.
  16. This is for Green Kay Adams: I see you wanting to tax people for driving cars. How are the poor supposed to get to work if they can no longer afford their transportation because the government wants to add yet more taxes? Or, is this another "tax the rich" scheme? Not sure how much is going to be left in their wallets after taxing them for student loan forgiveness, taxing them for the Green New Deal, taxing them for M4A, etc. They would already be taxed at over 100% just for those items. For Skeptical Kay Adams: You go girl!! Finally, you may want to seek help for the multiple personality disorder. ?
  17. You are not going to get a response. You used too many big words.
  18. Interesting that the very same people who want guns out of the hands of good guys are now talking about good guys not having guns to stop the violence that was started by the people wanting to take away the guns.
  19. Add to that, in one breath they are complaining that he is fascist. In the next breath, they are complaining that he is deregulating. The Kemp's of the world are proving that they really do not understand what words mean.
  20. You also seem to be a member of the KKK.
  21. He can't. He is too busy being a racist.
  22. Wifey and I enjoyed the show. We binge-watched it late last year.
  23. The water determination is a separate research grant.
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