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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Should this go here or in Bob's doobie thread? Everyone's out to get me...
  2. Can't run out of avocados before Cinco de Mayo. THAT would be a national emergency.
  3. FTFY for added clarity.
  4. Stay in your lane, bro. ?
  5. Since it looks like the Dems want to make Brennan the scapegoat, I am thinking he will be next.
  6. You called her sweetie? You sexist pig.
  7. Smollett is saying "Hold my beer..." to himself.
  8. Reading is hard.
  9. I picture this while reading that line from Tibs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlejsgxOxrU
  10. He only laughs at dead Americans.
  11. He should be getting an Emmy next year.
  12. They want to investigate Trump's financial records. As if they would actually be able to understand them. That's all they got.
  13. The GW people remind me of Tibs. "I know that the previous 20 times we predicted the apocalypse, it didn't happen. But THIS time we are right."
  14. Muller just didn't look in the right areas. More investigations are needed.
  15. "I believe in free speech, as long as it is only what I want to hear."
  16. "I support the New Green Deal!!" "OK. So vote for it." "What, are you nuts? Why would you make me vote for it? That is just a political stunt!!"
  17. It is great to see our elected officials take a stand for things that they believe in.
  18. That is weird. Only $408k? Buying people in Chicago is relatively cheap.
  19. Work in the community? Well, I guess raising Nigerian employment numbers can be seen as a positive.
  20. No. I am definitely not a friend. She is trashing the board, making it unreadable. It just amazes me that she spends so much time trying to destroy something. How much hatred do you have to have in you to purposely try to make everyone else as miserable as they are? I enjoy his work with Body Count.
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