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Everything posted by KRC

  1. They're gonna need a bigger clown car.
  2. When it tanks, it is because of Trump. When it excels, it is because of Obama. Get with the program!!
  3. "How dare they fact check my fear mongering!!"
  4. You got me there.
  5. Are you saying there is unrest in the forest?
  6. Yes. I remember being at the funeral, meeting his family. Awkward.
  7. I only had a few (not part of the Nervous clan) back when Paul was still here. Those were fun.
  8. I wonder what is the maximum number of accounts created by one poster to post in a single thread?
  9. A good a place as any for a little light reading: https://hbr.org/2019/05/3-simple-habits-to-improve-your-critical-thinking
  10. Heavy is the head that doesn't wear the crown.
  11. Does that mean that Biden is bringing more to the table than Bernie? Biden is Sleepy AND Creepy. Bernie is just Crazy. Two for one!! Have Bernie as the VP and you hit the trifecta.
  12. "Deplorables" on steroids. Sound strategy. It worked well for Hillary.
  13. So, two economic powerhouses in AOC and Bernie are going to fix all of our problems with banks and credit card companies? Is this plan also going to be written by a fifth grader like the NGD? Maybe provide a coloring book?
  14. That's why we need to change the lottery rules. To make sure that it does not happen again.
  15. Obviously, if Trump was not in office, this never would have happened.
  16. Because it never happened before Trump. Got it.
  17. So now Barron is obstructing?
  18. Did someone get her the t-shirt first?
  19. Should have tazed them.
  20. Well, the donations did dry up when she lost to a Cheeto. Does that count?
  21. She is only upset that they did not donate enough money to the Clinton money laundering Foundation to have her look the other way. You know, like the other countries with human rights abuses against women from which she gladly accepts donations in exchange for looking the other way.
  22. Let's be fair. They are very generous...with other people's money.
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