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Everything posted by KRC

  1. That is because it is a bunch of DC Tom's in the chess club. We have a tough enough time with one. ?
  2. So, KCNA out-Trumped Trump with the insults. That is an accomplishment.
  3. I never understood why people would want to come in and purposely ruin something enjoyed by everyone else. It is one thing to occasionally joke around with people while contributing. It is another to have your sole purpose be to ruin the board for everyone else. That is a lot of built-up hate within someone.
  4. R.I.P. Sue. I only met her in person twice. She loved her Bills.
  5. The memo field on the check states, "Money paid to Trump to influence him once we get him elected."
  6. Depends on how much the foreign leaders donated to the initiative.
  7. Even if they did commit treason and could prove it, I am not sure if they would go that far with the charges. My guess would be a bunch of jail time for a few people, stopping short of treason. Maybe getting a few people to roll on others in exchange for no treason charges.
  8. I have had dinner with you in the past and would do it again. I will continue to express my opinion, as will you.
  9. I attack hypocrisy. You are calling for a better board, while at the same time shitting all over it with your crusade. Step down off of your throne and prove that you truly want a better board.
  10. I am not the one calling for a better board. Try again.
  11. When you ***** all over the board, while simultaneously call for a better board, you are a hypocrite.
  12. So, you are bettering the board by shitting all over it? That is some ***** up logic there. ?
  13. Love the hypocrisy. Calling for a better board, while simultaneously crapping all over it while on his crusade.
  14. The board is so much better with quality contributions like this.
  15. Lying about lying. Typical for you.
  16. Just not the ones that are asked.
  17. True. They will probably have people texting it out to their media friends as the testimony is going on.
  18. They forgot to add, "Testimony to be leaked immediately after the closed door hearing."
  19. Like that was ever going to happen.
  20. According to the article, "Trump said on Monday the plan was still being 'devised.'" Possibilities: -"Expansion of bailout funds from the Commodity Credit Corp., a division of the Agriculture Department." -"Some of it would be paid for through tariffs on Chinese imports." -"Government could purchase U.S. farm products and then give them to poor countries."
  21. Beto is on an apology tour (I am sorry I was elitist...). He will be out soon. Maybe he can run for town council. Start with something small, instead of racking up failed campaigns.
  22. Russian interference?
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