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Everything posted by KRC

  1. That will probably change soon. Free TV's for all illegals!!
  2. GDPR is one thing that the EU has implemented for data privacy.
  3. His favorite website: Comics for "TOC" aka "HAHA Gator" aka "Gleeful Gator"
  4. The "TOC" moniker is becoming more and more applicable with him with every post.
  5. Post reported. Stop bringing that football crap on to this board.
  6. So, does that also apply to your constant posting about Q?
  7. When you need to fabricate other people's opinions just so that you can complain, you have lost.
  8. I should have also added, "It is not a crime when we do it."
  9. He didn't finish his first sentence. It should read, "It appears the Trump administration has already started leaking classified intel to conservative media, which is a crime. Only our side is allowed to leak classified information to friendly media."
  10. So, we call him TOC from now on?
  11. Between that and sanctions, I would go with the tariff route. Discussions have not worked and as has been pointed out, Congress refuses to do their job, so Trump does not have any other option.
  12. Ooooh...Ooooh. I got this one. The difference between illegal and legal immigrants: The illegals are the ones Democrats want to give all the free stuff to, paid for by the legals.
  13. It is a little disturbing that you knew that bit of information.
  14. Spending other people's money is how you solve problems. If that doesn't work, create hashtags. Repeat as necessary.
  15. To be fair, our press had their stories written before he even landed in the UK.
  16. I've got the munchies. Now, do I go with fried chicken or Doritos?
  17. You need to learn to relax, Bob. Way to stressed out about a message board. Every hear of marijuana? I hear it can help you relax.
  18. He is guilty until he can prove his innocence. It's the liberal way.
  19. Related: https://babylonbee.com/news/disney-to-transfer-all-filming-operations-from-georgia-to-much-more-moral-hollywood
  20. Nice job, Obama!!
  21. According to Democrats, if you demand the resignation of someone investigating you, that is obstruction. So, by their very definition, Schiff is obstructing justice.
  22. I haven't used it for my writing career, and look how far it has gotten me? ...OK, maybe not a good example.
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