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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Training Day 1: How to throw stuff at other people, then run and hide behind a larger person to protect you. Training Day 2: How to wait until someone turns their back, then hit them from behind and run away. Training Day 3: How to use hashtags on social media, because Training Days 1 and 2 were too physically exhausting.
  2. Such bravery.
  3. I agree that you have a point. Burglars are more hesitant to break into the home of an NRA member. However, my issue is the slippery slope. I would rather not create more laws to try and counteract the lack of enforcement of existing laws. Also, what masks are deemed unacceptable? Under what circumstances and who determines those circumstances? If someone wears a surgical mask to either prevent the spread of a disease or to protect a compromised immune system, is that banned? What about a hijab? Who determines what is acceptable and not and under what circumstances? Start with enforcing existing laws.
  4. If it is guaranteed to be a violent riot, a mask does little to quell the situation. Granted, there are kitties who would act up when they think they are anonymous (the internet is a perfect example). However, if there are no consequences (police told to stand down), then they will be emboldened. ***** them up and the kitties will be less apt to contribute. At that point, it will just be the paid protestors, which you are not going to stop anyway.
  5. I do not believe that it should be a crime to wear a mask. However, if you commit a crime (mask or not), you should be prosecuted. Don't have police stand down. Arrest them.
  6. So, except for posting that you are staying off of social media, you should stay off of social media?
  7. Oh, great. He smirked. That's it. Nuclear war is next.
  8. I don't remember anyone here stating that NK was nuke free after the first summit.
  9. If Trump keeps this up, Obama is going to get another Nobel Peace Prize.
  10. Thanks Obama!!
  11. So, a wall does work? Interesting.
  12. I am wondering if he even has handlers, the way things are going.
  13. That is pretty racist of you to focus on her ethnicity.
  14. Well done, Mock!! Glad you and your family are enjoying the new surroundings.
  15. Just get a job to pay for the classes. Work full-time and go to school part-time. That is what I did. It takes longer to get your degree, but you graduate with lower student loans. Be a responsible adult.
  16. White bread only? That is pretty racist.
  17. Asking for a friend? Your honor, I would like to exercise my fifth amendment rights.
  18. He knows everything it cures, which seems to be everything.
  19. Bob would know.
  20. Probably. Get a crap-load of money, buy a bunch of pot, and see if global warming, cooling, climate change goes away. If it doesn't work, it is just because you did not smoke enough. Apply for another grant and continue your "research." Best of luck!!
  21. I hear pot cures everything, including global warming, cooling, climate change
  22. I think that Bernie has the best shot if Biden tanks. As you stated, Warren will not hold up to scrutiny when the debates start.
  23. I am thinking Warren will continue to rise in the polls as Biden falls.
  24. I applaud your efforts, but TOC is not interested in discussion. Hell, he is not interested in even reading what your wrote. He doesn't even read the links he posts.
  25. Sounds like something Trump would do.
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