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Everything posted by KRC

  1. They absolutely have committed multiple acts of terrorism. {Wonders why he is even wasting his time with TOC}
  2. Antifa and BLM say 'Hi!'
  3. A lot of destruction. The left has shown that they are willing to literally burn everything down to get back in power. The right would ***** them up with superior weaponry. I think that the escalations now are a result of the right finally showing a backbone and standing up to the bullying of the left. They are used to people backing down. Then they ran into Trump and he is not going to put up with it. That is emboldening the right to fight back against the bullying. End result: scorched earth.
  4. Agreed. It would be ugly and there would be no winners. Regardless of who "won," the outcomes would be pretty similar. Suppression of the other side. Forcing their ideology on the other side. No wiggle room. No compromise. However, if I were to pick a side, I would pick the side with the guns.
  5. Can't even be original with acronyms.
  6. How are these people supposed to make up their minds if they are not told how to think?
  7. The Twitter mob will be on him quick.
  8. They can't they are so conditioned to scream "Nazi!!" "Racist!!" etc. in order to get people to back down from criticizing them on their ideas. The problem is that they are facing someone who has a backbone and will not tolerate it, and they do not know how to handle it.
  9. Get with the program, Tom. Later, it will be called a failure because of the color of the skin of the astronauts.
  10. This time they have him...oh wait. My bad. Next time they will have him.
  11. It is funny that people like him and BM are projecting so much of their racism on others in a failing attempt to make their own racism not look as bad. It is sad.
  12. Post reported to SDS as hate speech.
  13. He's a meanie. Isn't that enough?
  14. You really think that they have rules for these knee-jerk responses? They just blindly say these things without any thought.
  15. You are not allowed to mention him, or you will be called an anti-Semite.
  16. Preaching to the choir.
  17. It is so ingrained into their minds that it is just a reflex action at this point. Disagree with me? RACIST!! Criticize someone from my side? NAZI!! It is embarrassing.
  18. They just didn't do enough of it in 2016. THAT was the problem.
  19. I present to you...Heavy Metal Knitting World Championships. You're welcome.
  20. Nothing wrong with choice. But the philosophy of "he is not Trump" is exactly how we got Trump. He was not Hillary. Let's start looking for candidates that are actually quality candidates*. That is the only way we are going to improve things. *Yes, I know...No quality candidate is going to want to run in this environment and would want to put up with this crap.
  21. What do you find interesting about him?
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