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Everything posted by KRC

  1. How are the homeless supposed to vote?
  2. That's what happens when you take voting blocks for granted.
  3. Yellowstone is a good show.
  4. Three months puts us into November, and....oh. I get it now.
  5. No idea on the number. That is one of the reasons for picking up the boxes. They spread themselves too thin by putting too many boxes out there and are paying a lot of money for drivers to go to the boxes. Cost cutting moves will always face criticism. However, they do not have a choice anymore. Every couple of years, WE have to bail them out because THEIR costs are out of control. You have no choice. You have to cut costs. You cannot keep throwing money at the problem. Of course, this is such a critical issue that Nancy & Co. are taking yet another vacation on the taxpayer dime.
  6. I love the idiots who are complaining of seeing mailboxes on trucks. USPS has been eliminating and picking up mailboxes long before Trump took office. Most postal facilities I have been to have a bunch of them in a junk pile out back. Also, doesn't everyone already have a mailbox at their house/apartment/condo/etc.? Are people seriously so stupid that they will walk by the mailbox for their house, wander down the street, and say, "I can't vote!! The mailbox that was five miles from my house is no longer there!!" Morans.
  7. We just need to give more money to USPS. That will stop the Democrat fraud in elections.
  8. I feel for you. My FIL passed last month from dementia. My MIL will probably be put on hospice soon with dementia (she has had it for at least 5 years). We are not expecting her to make it through the year. Add to that the settling of the estate for my FIL, the potential loss of Medicaid to pay for my MIL's care (due to the estate), the legal issues associated with everything, the tax implications of everything, etc. It is a full-time job for my wife to handle everything. She gets no help from her brother, so it falls on my wife. I do everything I can to help her, but she is losing her mind. Stay strong, brother. It is not easy.
  9. Does this mean that Democrats are back to hating him again? #BelieveScientists
  10. It is amazing how the TDS-riddled turn into vile, hateful scum.
  11. Gendered term? Which of the 57 genders?
  12. Nothing says "I am doing this for George Floyd" more than targeting sick children and their families.
  13. Did not vote for Trump in '16. Not sure who I will vote for this year, but it will be in person.
  14. I don't think he actually reads his own posts. It's hysterical that he calls out hate, then immediately throws out hate of his own.
  15. From his post: You simpletons can't figure anything out, can you.
  16. You don't need evidence. Just make stuff up. It has proven to work extremely well for the dimwitted liberals.
  17. Looks like BG has been hitting the gym.
  18. You forgot Trump rallies. They inject you with COVID as you are walking in the door at Trump rallies. You don't have to worry about Biden rallies as nobody shows up for them.
  19. It sounds like going somewhere to vote is not as dangerous as people are trying to lead people to believe.
  20. So, it is too dangerous to go to the polling place, but there is no issue going to the board of elections office? And, the backup plan for mail-in voting is going to the polling place? ?
  21. Interesting that when a cop shoots someone, nobody blames the gun. You know, the same people that say that guns are the problem not the people when it is not a cop, magically now blame the cop when they shoot someone and it is not the fault of the gun.
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