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Everything posted by KRC

  1. FIFY. You need more "-ists"
  2. Also, once retroactively declared a Republican, he is instantly deemed to be racist.
  3. Good comeback from Comedy Central... ?
  4. Johnson was the better choice as starter in the Tennessee playoff game.
  5. The Kath one was good, as well as the one they broadcast on SRV (2-part docu).
  6. It is right underneath the "Preferred Pronoun" field.
  7. Having worked for their state party several years back, it was a joke. The candidates were not interested in running on what they could realistically achieve in a term or two. They insisted on running on their end game (eliminating the Department of education, etc.). Then, they wondered why they only got 1% of the vote. I tried to tell them, "Focus on realistic goals. State that you want to cut the federal budget by 5% over two terms. Then, run again on continuing to make incremental cuts to the budget until you get to your goal. It is much more palatable to the general public than 'I want to cut everything not Constitutionally mandated and I want to do it immediately.'" Their response was, "I am not going to sacrifice my ideals." OK. Enjoy your 1%.
  8. My guess is that people got to her and told her to continue to push the story and not back down. The narrative is more important than the truth.
  9. I saw your fascism response to her on the Twitter. Nice work.
  10. I wonder if she realizes that she is already a member of Congress and can act now.
  11. That is what I was wondering. I know that banks kept a bunch of the reserves after QE, but was not sure how much. Usually, long-term after QE, interest rates will bounce back higher than they were before QE. Is that why they are not expecting as much inflation this time?
  12. We are in 'merica. That is an AR-15. Of course, since Trump got in office, I can see why you went Russian.
  13. Even when provided with the entire quote, they still just boil it down to under 10 words. And they wonder why they are mocked. Reading is difficult.
  14. You may want to be careful. You posted a tweet without commentary. Not to put words in your mouth, but something along the lines of "Hey, dumbasses. Since you continue to be intellectually dishonest with the conversation, why are you purposely not addressing the entire statement in your racists rants?" You can put it in your own words. ?
  15. So, we have lost our abilities to process water in this apocalyptic world? All that water sitting there and there is nothing we can do with it.
  16. Wait. So there is going to be a lack of water? I thought that we were going to be flooded because of all of the glaciers melting. Which is it?
  17. Was Mueller the investigator?
  18. I will take the apocalyptic predictions seriously when one of them actually comes true. For decades, we have been hearing "We're all gonna die!!!1!!" only to see nothing even close to their predictions coming true.
  19. The babies want to come out early to enjoy all of this winning?
  20. Wait 'til they see what Trump has in store for August.
  21. Possible. Maybe she is hearing the muffled cries of "If you want to fix the problem, do your damn job legislators!!" coming from the peanut gallery.
  22. I am waiting for the day when Melania refuses to put up with it anymore and loses her *****. I am going to learn lots of new foreign curse words.
  23. Guess who is getting primaried in her next election? Not only is she wanting to deport people (that is raysis), but she is working with Republicans. How dare she try to actually solve a problem.
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