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Everything posted by KRC

  1. They may guarantee his re-election if they proceed.
  2. jrober38 should be in anytime now to ask, "Don't these people have jobs?"
  3. Is that similar to "We are not increasing your taxes. We are just rolling back the tax cuts that have been in place for years."?
  4. I am guessing Marcella is going to be doxed soon.
  5. So, my NHM-90 is safe, since Beto only wants AR's and AK's?
  6. We can't have all of this winning going on.
  7. You can always wish for a recession.
  8. A cousin of mine was in the Pentagon when the plane hit (mildly hurt, but nothing serious). From what I understand, she is still struggling to deal with it mentally.
  9. Prior to that, you can thank Dan Reeves and Bert Bell for why the Bills of the AAFC were not absorbed into the NFL in 1950.
  10. I hated starting a new topic on this, but it did not fit neatly in other topics. Just received my invitation to this event: The Liberal Arts Imperative in the Digital Age So, are they looking to teach the PhD in 16th Century French Feminist Literature student how to code?
  11. Doesn't he know that you don't use the Fed to influence elections? That is why we have the FBI.
  12. That was a felony hate crime? . Making my alma mater look bad.
  13. As Stephen Green wrote last week, “mandatory buy-back” is just newspeak for “confiscation with a little sweetener.” . On top of the confiscation buyback, I am guessing that they will pay fair market value for the guns and not pennies on the dollar. ? I mean, if they are willing to pay $500 for a $15 hammer, I should at least get $30,000 for my NHM-90.
  14. I imagine GG or TPS will correct me, but trade deficits are not necessarily a bad thing. You have the potential to make more money with deficits (depends on purchasing of treasuries, etc.). However, there is a point where it is no longer economically beneficial for the U.S. (which should obviously be our focus). We should focus on making it more equitable when we have crossed that threshold where it is no longer beneficial. IP theft is a different story. In both cases, Trump is using tariffs as a hammer to get them to work on IP theft and to lessen the trade imbalance. Whether you agree or not with the approach, that is what he is using as leverage. Short-term pain for long-term gain.
  15. If Trump wants it, they will resist it. He should use reverse psychology on them. They are dumb enough to fall for it. "Let's open the borders and let them all in!!" The wall will be fully funded and up before the end of the year.
  16. Since when has regulations stopped them from accepting things? Laws are for the little people. ?
  17. I doubt she would have had to pay out of pocket. If the taxpayers did not foot the bill, she would have had plenty of sponsors for her protests trip to see her grandmother.
  18. Nope. They are waiting for a Friday night rollout.
  19. Agreed. I live in the Philly 'burbs. There are parts of the city that are fine. For others, you need to be armed. I do not go into the city often, but there are places in the city that I like to visit.
  20. Good point. There can't be enough "-phobics" and "-ists" when it comes to talking about anyone who is not a Democrat.
  21. I fully agree that it may not align. I just do not want to set a continued precedent that all you have to do is just slander/doxx the crap out of them and you can get anyone to back down. Mob rules.
  22. Disappointing. Not because I think that Ratcliffe is the best candidate, but that the mob can just harass/slander/libel/etc. anyone to beat them into submission.
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