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Everything posted by KRC

  1. You have to remember. The DNC told the lemmings that this is all Bush's fault for making Kerry's war record the focus of Kerry's campaign. The fact that Kerry is talking about it ad nauseum is strictly because Bush can't stop talking about Vietnam. It is so simple, when you remove all reasoning skills, stop thinking for yourself, and blindly accept what the DNC/Kerry is telling you.
  2. So, what is the over/under for how fast the lemmings will call this guy a liar, for not blindly towing the DNC party line?
  3. Another instance of "repeat the lies often enough, so that the lemmings start believing it." Do any of these guys understand the concept of critical analysis? You know, reading information and analyzing it to determine it's accuracy and feasibility. His statement was so unbelievably ridiculous, I am suprised that anyone with even the smallest of brains would repeat it.
  4. I thought your weapon of choice was the amonia-filled squirt gun?
  5. Yeah, but Bush...blah...blah...blah (insert DNC talking point du jour) blah...blah...blah
  6. No, actually I thought I would stick around. Seeing your posts make the rest of the board look sane. Keep trying lemming. One of these days, you might actually stumble across an original thought. I know the possibility is slim, but hey, even a blind squirrel eventually can find an acorn.
  7. Yeah, it is tough to have an intelligent debate with someone that just cuts and pastes his "opinion" from the radical left-wing websites.
  8. Yup, just another one of those wacky radicals. Question: do you need medication to see the world in the warped way that you do, or is it natural?
  9. You shouldn't be so hard on the liberals on this board.
  10. Not directed at me? You specifically mentioned my name in your post. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to pick up on that, since you still have trouble understanding a one syllable word. You are continually parroting the talking points. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, lemming. It beats thinking for yourself.
  11. Umm...yeah...we are the simple ones. Someone who blindly repeats DNC talking points, cannot understand the meaning of the word ALL, and when confronted resorts to attacks against the posters is calling us simple. Whatever, Sparkey. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and parroting the talking points du jour.
  12. Where did he say that?
  13. Ummm...yeah...we are the ones spinning. ALL means ALL. What part of ALL is too difficult for the lemmings to understand? Here, I will make it easy for you: all (ôl) adj. 1. Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity 2. Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole 3. Being the utmost possible of 4. Every 5. Any whatsoever 6. Pennsylvania. Finished; used up 7. Informal. Being more than one n. The whole of one's fortune, resources, or energy; everything one has pron. 1. The entire or total number, amount, or quantity; totality 2. Everyone; everything adv. 1. Wholly; completely 2. Each; apiece 3. So much
  14. Yet another one who does not understand the meaning of the word ALL. I think that we need to start providing dictionaries for the parrots.
  15. They seem to have a little trouble with opposing viewpoints being presented to the public. All the Foxnews/Rush/Hannity stuff is just their way to try to prevent the public from hearing the other side of the coin. Sad, really.
  16. I say, stick to the original schedule for Bledsoe. Yes, you could take him out now to prevent injury, but what is going to prevent him from getting injured on the first play of the season? Nothing. As mentioned previously, injuries are part of the game. He has not shown that he can miss snaps in pre-season. He has work to do, and needs the game time. I do not want to wait a few weeks into the season before he gets his stevestojan together. He needs to get his stevestojan together NOW.
  17. The one telling the truth, is the one parroting your POV. Didn't you learn anything at PSAO school?
  18. Congrats, and best of luck to you!!
  19. Whatever you are smoking, I wish you would share it with the rest of us. The flaw with your theory comes in, when the SBVT started building up the attacks, it exposed "inconsistencies" in Kerry's story. As a result, Kerry has changed his story on "what really happened," since these attacks started. So, to say that this is a "failed gamble" on the part of the Bush supporters would be incorrect. It is having an effect, and that can be seen by Kerry changing his story. Now, Kerry wants to suppress this group, get the publisher to stop printing the book and trying to pressure media outlets into not showing their ad. As someone who does not want to see either of these candidates win, I have to say that Kerry is playing this all wrong. Right now, he sounds like a spoiled, whiney little beotch who can't handle criticism. He is definitely not showing leadership qualities, and the more he presses this issue, the worse he looks.
  20. MY GOD, this is beyond ridiculous. What part of ALL is too difficult for the lefties to understand? "Well, when he said all, did he mean all-all or just all-all? Do the SBVT fall under the all, or are they part of a different all? Is all really all, or just all?" The desperation is laughable. The fact that they are getting into semantics over all is down-right embarrasing. So, how long before one of the leftie apologists chimes in with the typical "yeah, but Bush blah...blah...blah...?"
  21. Funny, it seems like the Dems were not paying attention to the Al Franken vs Fox News and the F9/11 stuff. What did they say? "The more you talk about it, the more credence you are giving them. The last thing you want to do is continually bring attention to their stuff." I guess it would be easier if Kerry did not make Vietnam his entire campaign.
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