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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Rescue Remedy DOES work. I use it on my dog, when I know he will be in a stressful situation. The stuff does work.
  2. Hey, Sweetie!!
  3. Welcome. Make sure you visit the Politics board. They are real nice there.
  4. Speaking from experience? It would explain a lot.
  5. Hampton Inn, on Walden Ave.
  6. I disagree. I think that they would stick with Zolman. Whoever is the backup is just a band-aid for a few weeks, and they would just try to rely on Travis H. and Willis to carry the offensive load.
  7. I have to agree with slothrop on this one. A lot of it depends on the scoring system of your league, but to take a QB like Manning at 5, leaving quality backs for your opponents was not a good move. You should have picked up a back, then a QB. You will get more points per week that way. Now, you have Travis as your #1 back, instead of Thomlinson, Holmes, E. James or Portis. Again, this all depends on the scoring system your league is using, but I think you made a mistake.
  8. Hammer, I will need one spot. Thanks.
  9. Just my worthless $0.02. For a while now, I have been trying to push for reasonable, intelligent discussion. Everytime I bring it up, I get shouted down, laughed at, etc. Personally, I am sick of the bullstevestojan on this board. Posters like LBG, Tenny, RiO, and Captain America/Boomer make it impossible to discuss things. When you do try to bring stuff up when they are not here, you are still stuck with people who do nothing more than cut-and-paste from campaign websites (Bush and Kerry), which also makes it impossible to discuss things intelligently. The "yeah, but Bush..." responses are ridiculous, and immediately ruin the thread. If we are talking about Kerry, stick with the issue at hand. If we are talking about Bush, stick with the issue at hand. As I said, I am tired of the bullstevestojan, so I am going on the offensive. You bring crap to the board, I will throw it back in your face. I am tired of it, and I am not going to take it anymore. Again, my worthless $0.02.
  10. ...but you would put all those CPA's out of work.
  11. What, have you been living in a cave? It is all Bush's fault for bringing up the Vietnam stuff. If it were not for Bush CONSTANTLY discussing Vietnam, Kerry would not even mention it. Hell, it would probably be just a footnote on his website. He would be spending his entire campaign discussing everything that he has accomplished while in the Senate. It's all Bush's fault that Vietnam is the focus of the Kerry campaign.
  12. Tell Scott to resurrect the database. Your denial is down right embarassing. Well, if you don't like the "me too" stuff, stop doing the same thing that you B word at others for doing. Seems pretty simple, but I guess it is too complex for you.
  13. Your entire posting record on this board. Specific enough? Keep up the hypocrisy. Criticizing others for doing the same actions as yourself.
  14. Funny, this from someone who does nothing but B word about stuff on this board. Hypocrisy, thy name is RCow.
  15. Awww, Darin is 2 years old today (at least according to the birthday listing on the main page). Happy Birthday, youngster.
  16. Tinfoil hat a little tight today? Of course, it has been at least 24 hours since the last conspiracy theory from the lefties.
  17. Whoa, didn't see this coming. Especially with Congress taking money from SS to pay for other failed programs. Just toss more money at it, and the problem will go away.
  18. Sounds like someone is having a little trouble defending their position. Yup, the military people responding to your posts have no idea about patriotism, military service and honor. Yup, if you don't blindly repeat the DNC talking points, you are un-american. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
  19. Just thought I would make you feel at home by using your own debating tactics against you.
  20. Too many words? Sorry, VA must have forgotten his audience. Soundbites man, soundbites.
  21. Well, why don't we just wait for an attack. Then we can say "whoa, didn't see that coming." I do not have a problem with this. The headline said "may," which follows along with the article saying "possible recon." Just because there are no existing links, does not mean that it cannot happen. Look at Oklahoma City. How many terrorist ties were there? Intelligence gathering is not black and white. Headlines are written to get you to read the story. Always been that way, always will be that way. It got you to read the story, didn't it?
  22. I thought that they were fumbling through the DNC newsletters to find out what they should say next, but your scenario is just as plausible.
  23. I just love how the lefties are trying to play "innocent victim" here, at the same time they are bashing. I didn't know that it was so easy to talk out of both sides of your mouth.
  24. How DARE you attack the credibility of a war hero. Typical Bush smear tactics. Why doesn't Bush release his records? Hmmm? You would think that since Bush wants to focus everything on Vietnam, he would be willing to release his military records. Sorry, the lemmings/parrots seem to be slacking off today, so I thought I would give the typical response from them. Now my head hurts. It is not easy making this stevestojan up. I don't know how they can do it on a regular basis. They make it look so easy.
  25. That is a rhetorical question, right?
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