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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Morning, Sweetie!! Lot to do that weekend, so we want to get there early.
  2. Mrs. KRC and I will be arriving on Thursday.
  3. Just a little story for you, about a guy who did my family wrong (mainly my wife). When I was in Buffalo for my Grandfather's funeral, my wife was in a car accident. She pulled up to a stop light, and there was a pickup in front of her. She was stopped for a while. Well, the guy in the pickup realized that he was too far into the intersection, and decided to back up. Well, he continued to back up until he hit my wife's car. They get out, and check to see if each other is OK. Then they decide that they need to exchange insurance information. She asks him to follow her to work (about 5 minutes away). He said that he needs to get his boss' information, since it is his work truck, and asks her to follow him to the office (about 2 minutes away). She agrees (a mistake, which I have since warned her about). They pull into a parking lot, which is behind other buildings. His boss arrives (smelling like a brewery), and a VERY large man who is a friend of the boss. My wife is obviously scared, and calls the police. Well while they are waiting for the police, she is talking with the boss. He asks if there is any way of taking care of this without getting the insurance companies involved. His friend says to the boss, "hey, don't you know that guy with a body shop? She should go there." Well, the police arrive, and take down all of the information. She gets three estimates, and tries to contact the guy to resolve the situation. He does not get back to her for days, and comes up with a lame excuse. She tries to contact him again, and same thing. Well, she is now fed up, and calls the insurance company (the one on the police report). Well, it seems like this guy has been dropped from insurance (about 2 weeks before the accident). This means that he lied on the police report. Well, I had enough with the BS, so I started making a few phone calls. Within a few days I informed the chief of police that he lied on the police report, and he will be cited. The officer has been informed, and he does not take kindly to the fact that he lied to him. Hopefully, this guy does not run into this officer again. Next, Code Enforcement was called. It seems like this guy is running a business out of a residence. He also does not have a license to operate a business in the Township. Now Code Enforcement is all over this guy. Next, my brother is on the Zoning Board of the township. This guy is going to have some trouble if he ever appears in front of the Board, now that the Township knows of this guy. Next, it looks like he has a business registered in another Township. Well, that address is also a residence, which is not zoned for commercial. Looks like he is going to have another "issue" in that township. A friend of ours is the Assistant D.A. for the County where the accident occurred. He is now looking into things. We also have a lawyer involved, who will try to recoop the money to fix the car. If this guy does not respond, he will be taken to court. If he does not appear, or if he does not comply with the court, the court will come down on him, and PennDOT will revoke his license. Needless to say, this guy messed with the wrong person. The point of this long-winded story, is that there are always ways of rectifying the situation. Don't let the business push you around. Push back, and fight for your rights. Best of luck!!
  4. I speak from the heart, not prepared notes. Something you will not see from the other candidates. How about we remove the Dallas cowgirls as "America's Team," and I pass legislation to make the Bills "America's Team?" I can also make it a federal crime to be a fins fan.
  5. I just have to stay healthy for a week.
  6. Good. Call me when you get in town on Thursday and we will set it up.
  7. Yup. Do you still have my cell number?
  8. I hope you get paid extra for all that work.
  9. WOOHOO!! Kristy and I will be there, as well.
  10. You will not be at Nick's for a plate?
  11. That's a good point. Most ISP's have some hosting services. Usually, it is a good place to start. If things grow outside the host's limits, then you can start looking for other hosting services. That is how I started, many moons ago.
  12. What company do you use?
  13. Make me.
  14. He is only a junior a-hole. He has a while before reaching senior or mega status. Now, will you PPP bastards stop ruining Rich's thread? Take your stuff back to that board.
  15. Hey, Junior, where did I say that my sites were GOOD? All I said was that I was able to create the sites.
  16. Websites are pretty easy to do. Hell, I have multiple sites. If I can do it, anyone can. If you need some help, send me a PM with specifics of what you want.
  17. Why would you assume he is a Republican? Because he ripped the UN? Are you saying that the UN is not a corrupt organization, the basis of his post?
  18. Possible reasons: 1) They are environmentalists, and do not want to kill trees, just so you can have a card, which you will look at, say "Aww, that's nice," then throw it away. 2) Their subtle way of saying that you spend too much time on the internet. 3) They just don't care. 4) All of the above. Happy Birthday!!
  19. Well, I saw Father of the Pride a few days ago, and it was just OK. There were some funny moments, but I see it getting old pretty quick.
  20. It would be one HELL of a road trip. But, I think that Darin, Tom and VA would kill each other before we got there.
  21. I agree that the look is better than pine. The scent, depends on the type of cedar, as you mentioned. Strong cedar smell, use t&g cedar made for closets. A more subtle scent, use standard t&g cedar. I personally would go with the second, because I would not want to stay in a room with a STRONG cedar scent. Subtle is the way to go. To say that you will only get the scent with closet cedar is false. Hell, I made a mailbox post out of cedar, and just the sanding of the wood, gave a nice subtle scent, for a while, to the workshop. The scent will not last forever, but just a light sanding will give you a subtle scent that can be quite enjoyable. If you poly the wood, you lose that. Everyone has their preferences, and I respect your preference.
  22. If you are doing cedar, why would you poly it? I would think that if you are going to use cedar, you would want that nice cedar smell. just a light sanding every-so-often, and the whole room will be filled with that wonderful cedar smell.
  23. Count Mrs. KRC and I in for Saturday night.
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