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Everything posted by KRC

  1. First, power sags are not as dangerous or more dangerous to electronics as power spikes. The problem with power sags, is that it might corrupt your data. There is nothing in a power sag that will cause damage to electronic equipment. Next, your advice about a UPS is correct. All computers should be connected to a UPS. It does more than a line conditioner, in the fact that it provides batttery backup to prevent the potential data corruption resulting from power sags/power glitches/power outages. You are also correct about the potential hazards of static electricity. It is essentially a power spike induced into your electronic equipment. No surge protection/line conditioner/UPS will protect you against static electricity when you touch the device. Proper humidity in the room is the only solution.
  2. Is there ever a bad time?
  3. Sorry that we do not have the same toys to play with, that you have.
  4. Slugs work well on most small animals. Ahhh, good times.
  5. Nope. The media is just starting to ramp up on the alternative candidates. They start with Nader because he is on the ballot in several states. Then they will concentrate on the non-ballot candidates.
  6. I usually go with larger rounds, and watch them disintegrate. A puff of fur later, and no more target.
  7. Well it depends. If you have a fat, slow cat then I agree with you. There are some agile and quick ones out there that take a little more effort. That is when it becomes more of a sport. It is like hunting bunnies.
  8. This is an important time. This is when people have seen what the "big two" candidates are providing, and are looking for alternatives. This is also the time when the media is looking for alternative candidates for stories. Things have really picked up over the last few days, and I am continuing to pick up support.
  9. I will pass on the sentiments. (Of course, after the spanking )
  10. What happened? Did I miss all the fun again?
  11. Blood McNally Buckets Wukits Cactus Face Duggan Dippy Evans Bushel Foot Gompers Bonk Schroll All played in Buffalo, and yes, I am old school.
  12. Have you tried using bleach?
  13. Hard to disagree with your assessments. Nice job, Mark!
  14. When you have a good beer, you can drink for taste.
  15. Beers like Chimay are made to be enjoyed, not pounded. Hoegaarden is good for a warm summer night, with some grilled chicken. Ahhh, nothing like a good quality beer. What is your opinion of Czech beers?
  16. Chimay Red? No...no...no. You want the Purple label (Grande Reserve). Better Beer, IMO. Hoegaarden is also pretty good, and as you mentioned, the lambics.
  17. Have you tried the Belgian Chimay yet? Opinions?
  18. Well, you are a recent grad. Does Rutgers have a service for Alumni? I know that my school helps with that stuff, but of course, it is not Rutgers.
  19. Have you tried a Google search?
  20. Well, I have sworn off posting on this board, but I will break my silence this one time since you are asking an honest question. IMO, you should not be asking the question "why should I not vote for Kerry?" I have never been a supporter of voting against a candidate, but voting for a specific person. Whenever I talk with candidates, I say to them, "Don't tell me why I should vote against your opponent, but tell me why I should vote for you." If they cannot do that, then I cannot support that candidate. They are not telling me what they will do for me, just ripping their opponent. This is a good indicator that they really have no convictions or plans for the future, just "vote for me because I am not the other guy." Paco makes a good point. You should prioritize what is important to you. Then see how the candidate feels about those issues. The main thing you have to do, is get past the campaign rhetoric. It is extremely difficult to find non-biased sources, but for Senator Kerry, just go to http://www.senate.gov to check on his voting record and for his speeches in front of the Senate. His speeches will give you a better indication of his beliefs, since voting records are not always a good indicator of the candidates position (he could be voting against something in the bill, but may be in favor of other parts) For Bush, look at the legislation he has proposed. Do not look at the final bills, but the proposed legislation. The final legislation may be a compromise, and not a true indication of his positions. I can give you many reasons why Kerry and Bush should not get your vote, but they may not be reasons that are important to you. I hope that this helps.
  21. Thanks for the offer, but I will stick with the Bills, regardless of the results.
  22. You might want to take it to the dealer. You can usually get a little more leverage with the manufacturer, if the delaer repeatedly does not fix the problem. Trust me, it happened with me on my Ford Explorer. After the third time of going to the dealer for the same problem, and not getting results, I went to the manufacturer. They came down hard on the dealer, and the dealer fixed it right.
  23. No, we just talk in soundbites. Keeps the lemmings from actually having to think about anything.
  24. Ummm...lets not.
  25. I do mention cutting taxes, but some things need to happen first. What I mention on the website, is that I will freeze the tax rates where they are. I then must tackle spending. Get that under control, use the surplus to decrease the deficit, and then give an across the board tax cut. What is wrong with the civil rights stance? I agree with you on AA. Are you referring to Gay Marriage?
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