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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Bruce Smith.
  2. Wuss. If you are interested, you need to go after her. What is the worst that could happen, she hits you over the head with the computer monitor? You never know unless you try.
  3. But, you still have not answered the question. What did she buy? Priorities man, priorities.
  4. Well, he did look pretty lonely.
  5. That was great. I also remember them doing an article titled "{forgot the name of the country} Sends Troop To Iraq." The accompanying picture was of a lone soldier in the middle of the desert. Funny stuff.
  6. Well, living in the Philly 'burbs and having just attended a political event, PA is not a lock for Bush. The Republicans know this, and are pushing hard. They know that it is possible to steal PA, but they know that victory is not certain. One of the issues they are concerned with, is absentee ballots namely absentee ballots for military personnel. Since the ballots were sent out so late (thanks Dems), the miltary personnel may not have the time to return their ballots before Nov. 2. Therefore, all of these votes will not be counted.
  7. I agree with you opinions of opinion pieces. I usually avoid them and stick with strictly informational sources. I will start with media sources to catch headlines, but then will research via independent sources for more concrete information. A perfect example is the Deulfer Report. Most, if not all media sources have been flat out wrong on the results of the Deulfer Report. They are not going to read the actual report (since it is over 1000 pages). The report says the exact opposite of what the media has been saying. Granted, BJH is a strong supporter of Bush. He makes no bones about that. You seem to discredit him "because he finds no fault in Bush." Can't the same be said about you "because you cannot find fault in Kerry" or "cannot find right with Bush?" It seems to me that you are criticizing him for the same thing that I see from your posts. Not trying to flame, but making an observation.
  8. You make a valid point, but neglected to factor in Kerry's own words that he will add 40,000 more troops to our armed forces (maybe it was in the blog, but I am not going to waste my time reading that drivel). Where is he going to get the troops if he does not have a draft?
  9. Then, what makes one opinion more valid than another?
  10. If you want to talk football, start a football thread.
  11. One thing that I have yet to see anyone address: Kerry says that he will increase the taxes on the "rich," but has yet to provide his "plan" on how he expects to get tax increases through a Republican controlled Congress.
  12. Boomerjamhead wouldn't know anything about what is happening in Iraq.
  13. So...how does this answer my question?
  14. Hey, Jay already posted this. Why do you need to waste bandwidth by posting the same stuff?
  15. Is that because it was not joint owned, or would that happen regardless?
  16. I think that you will still have trouble with the section of the population that defines the term "marriage" as only being between a man and a woman. They will see "Civil Gay Marriage" as a contradiction. IMO, if you wanted make it secular, I think you need to use the term "civil union" or something else without the word marriage.
  17. Also, there are estate taxes when their spouse passes. If you are married, you do not have to pay estate taxes since it is also your "estate." If gays/lesbians cannot marry, then they would pay taxes on their partner's estate. Am I correct on this, or am I off base?
  18. A vested interest in National Security? Ummm...Don't we ALL have a vested interest in National Security? Without partisan rhetoric, please explain to me how Kerry is better on defense without using references to Bush.
  19. Nice site. Thanks for posting it.
  20. Funny, you are so offended that you feel compelled to stay here to continue to be offended. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. You can leave whenever you want to leave.
  21. I knew a fellow engineer would understand.
  22. Well, I can start pulling out the igloo jokes.
  23. Yup. After I am finished with that short story, I am working on another short story: “The Art of Camouflage in the U.S.A.F.”
  24. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Keep it up, Smurf-Boy.
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