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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Kinda makes your head spin, doesn't it?
  2. Damn, you get testy when your arguments break down. I pointed out an argument using the EXACT SAME LOGIC you used to form your argument. Nice to see you finally realize that it is a baseless and irrational way to look at things.
  3. You need to read it, because your conclusions on what it said were wrong re: fully auto weapons were banned. But why inform yourself. Forming opinions based on emotions are much more effective.
  4. I love it when people argue using soundbites. I also enjoyed this line: Yup, don't need to read it. Even though he was wrong on what the National Firearms Act said, there is still no need to read it. He has already made up his mind on what it says, so that is what really counts here.
  5. The same philosophy can be applied to alcohol. How many people die or are injured as a result of drunk driving? How many families are torn apart due to alcoholism? There is no NEED for alcoholic beverages. Forget all of the people who drink alcohol responsibly. We need to focus on the few that are irresponsible in order to protect society. Ban alcohol.
  6. My relative fought in a war, and wants to leave me his weapon in his will. That's just plain silly.
  7. National Firearms Act. Try reading it.
  8. Nope. I am not on the ballot anywhere. I decided to strictly stay as a write-in candidate. I kept costs down so that reporting would not be an issue. Once you start getting up to the matching funds/reporting threshold, you are saddled with a bunch of paperwork. I found other alternatives, which kept costs down and kept me from spending a bunch of my time filling out paperwork and dealing with the red tape. I wanted to spend my time campaigning.
  9. She got busted lip syncing, walked off stage, then blamed her band for playing the wrong song. Well, if they were playing the wrong song, whose voice is that singing the wrong song?
  10. I do not think that he is implying that because of those agencies, the Pentagon has taken "a hit in quality." I think he is trying to say that the Pentagon suffers the same failings as those agencies, which is inefficiency due to bloated bureaucracies.
  11. You get out of it, what you put into it.
  12. We pay for the security of all prior presidents.
  13. He must think that he still has some chance, since he will be in Bucks County on Thursday. I have tix to see him that day. What do you think his reaction will be when I ask him: "So, when should my transition team come down and start meeting with your staff?"
  14. Remnants of the headaches from my moderating days. That, and an all-expenses paid trip to the Sanitarium.
  15. "I still can't believe that a friggin write-in candidate won the Presidency." Oh, wait, you were talking about football. "A Bills fan is President!!"
  16. Well, if we use your site for poll data, Kerry wins PA. I thought that you said that Kerry would lose PA? It seems to contradict your theories.
  17. Scary, isn't it? Now, what is Kerry going to do to get the UN to actually do something. Look at Haiti - Failure (Slow to react, still has not provided the troops promised) Look at the Sudan - Failure (Passed a meaningless resolution asking for atrocities to stop, waiting to see if anyone listens) Look at North Korea - Failure (failed to even address the issue) Look at the Congo - Failure (Sent in peacekeeping troops, but did not allow them to carry weapons into conflict areas) This is just the last four years. This does not include Iraq.
  18. Why stick with just surge suppression. Buy a UPS for your house. Battery backup, surge suppression, and power conditioning, etc. It will cost more, but will give you more benefits. Powerware I use Powerware products on a regular basis for my control systems, and they work well.
  19. Nothing wrong with that.
  20. I thought that you were more of a goat man. Are you branching out?
  21. Send my congrats to your wife's grandparents!! 70 years. Very impressive.
  22. I agree with you there. Nice loooooong legs.
  23. What Star Wars avatars?
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