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Everything posted by KRC

  1. ...or, they would know that I would tear them apart.
  2. I have not received one political phone call. Sweet!!
  3. Woohooooooo!!
  4. Sounds like she has been reading this board.
  5. Hey, Rock!! Bills need to score a rushing TD for me to win? Damn. Do I make my concession speech now? So, back to the Skins/Pack game. They did not seem to factor me into the mix. Does the game need to end in a tie?
  6. Yup. It is all a massive conspiracy against YOU. You REALLY need to get over yourself. I did not delete the thread, but it was deleted due to the fact that all you did was repeat something that was previously posted (funny, you did not realize this even though you responded in that thread. I guess it would be too much to ask for you to actually READ the thread before posting your crap, instead of just throwing in the crap wherever you want.). Yup, we moderators are trying to suppress information. Stop frothing at the mouth, and actually THINK before you post.
  7. None of the above.
  8. What is the over/under on her coming back, pleading that she is just an innocent victim?
  9. Then, why do you bother? All you are doing is showing that you are no better than them. It would be hypocritical to criticize, when you do the same thing.
  10. Is it me, or do the lefties have a little trouble with witty come-backs?
  11. Your point would be what?
  12. Ummm...It is not like he posts TS information here. He is giving you a perspective that few here can give you. This is a politics board. He is talking politics. This is a sub-board of a Bills board. He is a Bills fan. Seems like a good fit to me.
  13. No, you are wrong. The talking box keeps telling me that Cheney is making oodles of money due to the connections to Haliburton and the reconstruction contracts. Please get your facts straight before posting.
  14. France has veto power over any UNSC resolution. Without them on board, you will get nothing through the UN. You need them on board if you want to rely on the UN for help.
  15. CENSORSHIP!! You are trampling on my free speech rights!! NG!! NG!! Help me!!!
  16. Are you talking about the first part of his post, the second or both?
  17. Too bad the Hot Pockets crowd is going to run away from this thread.
  18. So, all the crap that Debbie et. al have been spewing has been a bunch of junk. Correct?
  19. Yup, I still have my evil super-powers. If you want me to resurrect the thread, I can't do it. I have no idea what happened to it.
  20. So, what ways (that are currently employed in Iraq) are these two "stolen" items being used to kill our troops? Of course, you will need to provide a link to prove that you know what you are talking about.
  21. So, are you saying that the stuff that was "stolen" is not typically used in IED's?
  22. There is no question it will not be decided on Tuesday, unless there is a substantial victory by one side (not likely). If it is even remotely close, do not expect a final result before December while the lawyers fight it out.
  23. Yup. I am a Bush supporter. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you have sig lines turned off. Otherwise, I think you just shot a hole in your "very educated" claim. So, turn sig lines back on, and respond again to my post. We will all be waiting for your "very educated" response.
  24. DING! Hot Pockets are done.
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