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Everything posted by KRC

  1. ...and you make personal attacks against him. So, how are you any different? Take the high road, and prove that you are the better man. If you don't like what he has to say, put him on "Ignore." Problem solved.
  2. Proving him wrong is not a character attack. If he provides false information, you need to expose it in order to have a proper discussion of the issue.
  3. So...prove him wrong. Expose his lies.
  4. You can always vote for me.
  5. Thank you for making my point.
  6. Yup. Seeing a pattern yet?
  7. Point taken. The talk of impeachment hearings will start. Better?
  8. Huh? All 16 votes counted.
  9. You are not very good with witty retorts, are you?
  10. Hey, this is a light-hearted thread. Keep the insults to yourself.
  11. What is even funnier is the Kerryites who are holding onto this stuff.
  12. Because it would be hypocritical to blast Bush for it, just to turn around and do it yourself.
  13. Except, he is not a Republican. Why is this the only response people can come up with? Too much thinking involved to come up with anything else?
  14. To make your voice heard. Hold your elected officials accountable for their actions. They want apathetic voters, because that is how they maintain their power. Your choice may not win, but that does not mean that your vote did not count.
  15. I disagree. Regardless of whether Kerry or Bush wins, there will still be bitter hatred dividing the country. I do not see it changing after the election. If Bush wins, expect impeachment hearings to start next year. If Kerry wins, expect the Republicans in Congress to stonewall anything and everything. It is all about gaining/regaining power. Nothing more.
  16. Hell, just look at this board to see the scope of the "lack of deep thought." It is obvious that he really has no idea what he is going to do. He keeps talking about his "plans" but anyone who actually sits down and thinks about his "plans" realizes that there is no way in hell that they are going to work. People are latching on to the form over substance that you get with Kerry. He says what the audience wants to hear, and is relying on people not actually thinking about what he says, but just blindly accepting it.
  17. So, he is going to increase the deficit instead. Nice.
  18. I think it will be an easy sell to the middle class. Kerry wants to spend more then the tax increases will bring in (thereby INCREASING the deficit). Who is going to make up the difference? Yup, the middle class.
  19. You made a point that I have made previously. Kerry's economic "plans" rely on the tax increase for the "rich." How the hell is he going to get tax increases through a Republican controlled Congress? Being moderate is not going to cut it.
  20. It is a sad state of affairs, when we root for government gridlock.
  21. I remember, and I am a man of my word.
  22. As far as I know, the bulk of the cases are claiming that early/absentee voters are being disenfranchised.
  23. I think the court cases will be filed, regardless of whether it is "too close to call" or not. Court cases have already been filed, and the votes have not been counted yet.
  24. I agree that this game was a confidence booster, but they still have not shown me that they have what it takes. It was fortunate that they played a team like AZ, and the problems were masked, but they still showed me signs of the Bills teams that played in the previous weeks. Let's see if they can build on this game as they head into the Jets and NE games coming up. Good showings against both of those teams will prove a lot to me. The OL needs to show me that they can be consistent from week to week. Drew needs to prove that he can make good decisions, and not panic (I saw him panic a few times yesterday). The team also needs to show that they can be more disciplined, and reduce penalties. I need to see these things over the next two weeks before I can say that they have turned a corner.
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