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Everything posted by KRC

  1. You were too wordy. You need to condense into soundbite format. I thought I would help you out.
  2. So, what you are saying is that we went to war to give no-bid contracts to Haliburton in order for Bush's big oil buddies to profit. Correct?
  3. Thanks, Nick and Campy!
  4. Don't forget Mickey.
  5. Depends on the flavor. Some are pretty good. I like the ham and cheese.
  6. I think it was one of the guys on "vacation."
  7. DING!! Oooo, Hot Pockets are done. Mmmmmm...Ham and Cheeeese.
  8. Last I saw: Ralph Nader (I) 392,219 Michael Badnarik (Lib.) 374,741
  9. Maybe, they will be on the same boat.
  10. Love your sig line:
  11. Powell will be gone (his choice). Possibly Rice and Ashcroft.
  12. Yup. He bet a few of us that Bush would lose the election. He buys the grouper sammiches if Bush wins. We buy him grouper sammiches (I would provide the Singha) if Bush loses. I buy the grouper sammiches and Singha if I won.
  13. So, what you are saying is that you are no better then the Republicans who went after Clinton.
  14. Let's hope that it does not come to that, from either side.
  15. Much better.
  16. I thought I was a Communist. Make up your minds, people!!
  17. Yup. Now seq004 is calling me a communist. Isn't that the same tactic Tenny tried to use? How well did it work for him?
  18. It would be nice if people acted more like Kelly and Mickey. Gracious in defeat. We also need the Bush supporters to be gracious in victory. Go ahead, flame away.
  19. I think that I am safe in conceding now.
  20. Very well, thank you. Did you not see my posts conceding the election? I thought I was pretty gracious in defeat.
  21. ENOUGH!! You would stand a better chance here if you showed at least some capability to talk in anything other than soundbites. This BS will stop NOW.
  22. Yup. As I mentioned previously, you need to be gracious in victory as well as defeat.
  23. I thought he had an alcohol thing, as well?
  24. IMO, yes. It would be nothing more than a repeat of the Clinton approach, which is what allowed them to get the nukes in the first place.
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