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Everything posted by KRC

  1. I think GG was being sarcastic about the UN and the Sudan.
  2. That's what I thought.
  3. Try reading the quotes, and then get back to me.
  4. Where abouts in Philly? I live in Philly, and get together with a bunch of Bills fans each week to watch the games.
  5. Their message was that people are stupid, and that they need to vote Democrat because they are too stupid to know what is best for them. Yup, why change that line of thinking. Just stick with race baiting and class warfare
  6. Well, they lost the White House again, against a VERY beatable opponent. They are continuing to lose seats in Congress. See a trend yet?
  7. I don't care if you stay on thread, it's just that your post made absolutely no sense to the quoted post you used in your post.
  8. What the hell does this have to do with Paco's post?
  9. Hmmm...did they ever think that maybe it was attitudes like this that caused them to lose in the first place? How can anyone support a Party that tells the constituent "vote for me because you are too stupid to do anything yourself. I am better than you, so you must vote for me." Nope, their loss was strictly due to the stupidity of the voters.
  10. I may be skewing the Philly results with my collection.
  11. I can only agree to a certain extent with this. While doctors need to take responsibility for their actions, it is not always the doctor's fault. "If they do their job, they have nothing to worry about" is not an absolute that can be made.
  12. Well, as far as I know, he has no successor. It might be wise to wait a couple of days to get things in order, before announcing. I can't imagine a power vacuum being a good thing.
  13. Good. Now we just need to work on your "I won't vote for a third party candidate until they are viable" stuff.
  14. You have the power to change that. If you do not exercise it, then you have nobody to blame but yourself.
  15. There are more candidates than Libertarians and Ralph. Again, how do you create a viable candidate, unless you vote for them? You can't say we need a viable third party candidate, and then turn around and not do what is necessary for them to win. It is basically talking out of both sides of your mouth. The Reps and Dems are counting on your line of thinking. That is how they remain in power, because they know that in the end,you will not do what is necessary for the third party candidate to win. You need to do more than talk about it for it to happen.
  16. Everyone who says this, has yet to answer this question: how do you get viable third party candidates, unless you vote for them?
  17. We will never agree on this. You need to work simultaneously on these issues.
  18. First, thanks for the compliments. Next, we live in a GLOBAL society. Isolationist policies will not work in a global society and that seems to be what you are advocating. Until you agree with this, there is no need to continue the conversation on how terrorism is a global threat, and what happens across the world will have an effect on our economy, jobs, etc. Sealing off our borders is a great concept, but you have to remember that what happens in xyz-stan also has an effect on us here in America. As I have said many times: short-sighted thinking yields short-term results. I am not a supporter of Bush, but at least it looks like his administration has an understanding of this concept. Implimentation is another issue.
  19. I disagree. He mentioned that terrorism is "not THE priority." He then goes on to list items related to terrorism as things we should be focused on with the "billions and billions and billions." If he just talked about welfare reform, job creation, etc then I would agree with you. He did not do that. I am sorry, but I cannot agree with you.
  20. T-Bone started it.
  21. So, terrorism is not THE priority, but when you list the things that are priorities, the first FOUR things you mention are terrorism related (secure our borders, increase homeland security, tougher immigration laws, tougher screening). You don't get to things NOT related to terrorism until you start talking about welfare (fifth item on the list). Nice way to contradict yourself in the same post. Usually people wait a post or two before contradicting themselves. My hat is off to you for being able to do it in the same post. Well done.
  22. That is because I am a Communist.
  23. It serves no purpose here, why the hell would we want it over "there?" Morning, Sweetie!!
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