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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Sounds like we are basically saying the same thing.
  2. Just my prediction, but what I see happening is the Republicans getting their near or full fillibuster-proof senate by mid-terms or 2008. As a result, you will see even more staunch right legislation being pushed through. Bad. The Dems will practically implode, and a third party will become more prominent as a result. The Dems are losing control, and until they get their stevestojan together, they will continue their downward spiral. Bad. The Republicans will screw up, and push stuff too far to the right. This will shift the voters away from the Republican Party, but since the Dems still have not caught on, those voters will be looking at the alternatives outside of the "big two." It will take a little while, but things will start to level out. I hope by then we will have more than two parties with major support.
  3. Are you looking for mainly biographies?
  4. ...or immediately after the World Series.
  5. You do that.
  6. Who will be the first lib to make a George Walker Bush reference?
  7. What happened to the petition?
  8. Nice to have you back on this board, Chris.
  9. I thought that this was the manual: Post #1: X Party did this. Post #2: Yeah, well your party did this. Post #3: You're an idiot. Posts #4 through #14,589: No, you're an idiot.
  10. You are correct. Let's hope that the Dems can get their stevestojan together, and prevent this from happening. Of course, from what I have seen since the election, they still have not caught on as to why they lost and have been losing. I do not have a lot of hope that they can change things around enough before mid-term elections.
  11. Happy Birthday to the Marines today, and don't forget that tomorrow is Veteran's Day.
  12. We just need to get more of those pesky WNY PFRA members on board.
  13. Other. It depends on what is happening, as to what sources I use. I glance at CNN and Fox to get headlines, but that is about it. I look at other sources to get information. For domestic: If it is legislation, I look up the bill being debated. For international: I try to get the perspective of local newspapers, find the opposing POV, and then do additional research to find out what is actually happening.
  14. It can't hurt to talk with the people. It also cannot hurt to write the letter. Just don't try to BS them in the letter. If they detect any hints of BS, it will work against you. Be honest and sincere with them in the letter. Let them know that you appreciated their time, re-emphasize your qualifications for the job and thank them again for the opportunity to speak with them regarding the job. Keep it short.
  15. You are being too modest. I know that you have to have some good stuff there on RW. The bulk of my stuff is pre-1950. The PFRA might help out. If not, at least some of the members would sign the petition.
  16. Tom, I imagine you have a lot of stuff in your archives, that would make for a great bio.
  17. There is another site i found. It seems a little more reliable than the first. Another Petition Thingy
  18. Seems kinda silly to base your prediction on EST time.
  19. An internet petition would be pretty easy to put together, but your problem would be proving that each "signature" is unique. Petition thingy
  20. It has been posted multiple times.
  21. With attitudes like this, it is hard to imagine why the left is losing election after election. [/sarcasm]
  22. Damn. Easy question.
  23. Nope. Not Tenny. GF mention his previous username before, in another thread.
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