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Everything posted by KRC

  1. 88% 15 miles
  2. BREAKING NEWS: A California jury finds Scott Peterson guilty of the slaying of his wife, Laci, and their unborn child. Details soon. From Cnn.com
  3. Check the CNN frontpage.
  4. I got an e-mail from him about a month ago. He is pretty busy with his music. Good stuff, if you ask me. He sent me a couple of CD's for critique. I'll have to send him an e-mail this weekend.
  5. Well, then I guess the Duelfer Report is out of the question.
  6. I was wondering that myself.
  7. All three of those guys are great. Ernie Warlick is also an excellent person to talk with, and very approachable. I have talked with them on many occasions.
  8. But your centrist candidate Kerry, was going to INCREASE spending. Doesn't sound like responsible parenting to me. Increase taxes and increase spending is not a way to show that you are a "centrist."
  9. I am a Tapioca fan. Wait, what were we talking about?
  10. No..no...you don't understand. BF is winning the argument. Why? Because he said so.
  11. I disagree with several of your statements. I will try to take them in order: Care to give examples? The ones I see labelled as radicals are not moderates, but actual radicals. There is a point when this will happen. It is when the Democrats put out a more centrist candidate. Countering radical righties with radical lefties forces people to vote party line or not vote (of course they could vote for candidates outside of the "big two," but that is another topic). Give the moderates an actual moderate choice, and the radical Republicans will lose support and moderate Republicans will cross party lines. Which is my point of several posts, where I state that the Republicans are going to take things too far. They do not see the writing on the wall. Since the Democrats seem to want to go even farther left, that will force people to find alternative candidates or give up on the voting process. They do not need to use morality to appeal to the moderates. You seem to be listening to too much of Michael Moore's Jesusland crap. The Dems need to focus on their social issues. Pushing the class warfare and race baiting type stuff appeals to the radicals, but not the moderates. They want to see actual solutions that make sense. Kerry was not able to accomplish that, and he has nobody to blame but himself for that. There is not much you can do about the one-issue type voters, as you mentioned with the waitress. Well, then maybe they should start doing it. Actions speak louder than words. All I heard this past election was the tax increases that Kerry wanted to put through to pay for all of his new spending. You can't say "the deficit is out of control" and follow it with "I have a stevestojan-load of new spending proposals" and expect people to buy into it. Good one, Mick. Nice to see that you still have your sense of humor.
  12. It puts thing into perspective, regarding who should actually be held up to hero status. Guys like this do not get the recognition they deserve from the general population.
  13. Oooo...this will get ugly. It should be a fun afternoon.
  14. Go for it...
  15. Well, there goes GG's credibility.
  16. Good luck with Cookie. Last I knew, he was near me in the Philly area. Don't expect him to talk much about the "good times" with the Bills, but more about his bitterness towards the Bills and the NFL. I purposely avoided an interview with him, because I knew it would get ugly.
  17. Contact the Bills Alumni Association. You should be able to get their e-mail address from the Bills website.
  18. You make a good point. If MM were just another member of the crowd, that is one thing. They stepped it up and put him in a place of prominence. It is a little difficult to distance yourself from his rhetoric when you take actions like this.
  19. I brought forth questions with what I thought were contradictions. It is nice to see the complete and utter arrogance in Newbie and Arondale in trying to help someone understand these words. Next time, I will remember: I need to live like Arondale and Newbie, or my life is a waste. If I have questions on scritpure, Newbie and Arondale are the LAST people I want to ask. Got it.
  20. You guys have all the fun.
  21. I figured that you would want to use some of the other toys that you have at your disposal.
  22. Without the use of Fat Man and Little Boy.
  23. Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them saying:… “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:1-2, 9) These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:5, 34) He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” (Luke 22:36) Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52) So, if I interpret Jesus’ words correctly: He is not here for peace but wants others to be peaceful, we are to buy swords but not draw them. Do you see any contradictions? If we were to follow His words then we are to be peaceful, but His words specifically state that he is not here for peace.
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