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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Hey, that is not very Blue State of you. Where is your compassion for this person?
  2. My chocolate-Raspberry poundcake recipe is in there. It has special meaning to Kristy and myself.
  3. I make a killer Key Lime Cheesecake. I would have to say that it is my favorite.
  4. A local Libertarian Party official has been arrested for tax evasion. He is fighting on the grounds that there is no law specifically stating that U.S. citizens are mandated to pay taxes. So, my question would be: is there such a law? If so, could you please post it?
  5. Now, if the UN were involved, this type of fraud and corruption would not have happened. You would never see fraud and corruption from something run by the UN. BTW, this should be on PPP.
  6. I am suprised that it took this long for someone to blame the sunset of the ban. It has been a good couple of hours since the incident. People are slipping.
  7. Sucks to be you.
  8. So, you hate the haters who hate haters?
  9. But...but...but...Bledsoe bad.
  10. Looks like the board will be crashing then. So, do you plan on taking down the server today, or are you going to wait until tomorrow?
  11. Well, it is a holiday week, so there might not be as much posting. I would guess more like the high 150's.
  12. So, what is the over/under on how many times the exact same question can be asked on this board, by the exact same person?
  13. Nope. You put the slide rule in the pocket protector. Now, if we could just get tape in cool colors for holding our thick glasses together, we would be set.
  14. Yeah, they come in cool colors now.
  15. Contrary to popular opinion, we are a fun bunch.
  16. It is like that in Chester. I went to Widener, and if you stepped foot off of campus, you are in trouble. It was always an interesting experience to walk to the train station.
  17. If you get past the stench and sludge, the swimming is great.
  18. What, you do not like to vacation at the luxurious Camden waterfront?
  19. He is being paid to do a job, not pout like a little school-girl. I will not cut him slack. Why should the coaching staff use him MORE, if he is not going to give maximum effort when he is out there? It would be an insult to the people who are busting their azzes on this team.
  20. Kristy and I will be visiting with my parents for lunch, and her parents for dinner.
  21. Hard to comment on the information given. The guy was trespassing on private property. As of the publishing of this article, there is no determination on who fired first.
  22. Just signed.
  23. So, you are ripping the guy and didn't even bother to read the article? Nothing like complaining just for the sake of complaining.
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