Protection? What protection? Are you now going to say that since I did not criticize it, then I am condoning it? If that is the case, since I did not see you criticize the "Republicans are Nazis" stuff, that must mean you condone it. That would be a problem, since you are criticizing others for making equally outlandish statements about Dems.
WTF does the Laura/Theresa have to do with our discussion? The bulk of your post has absolutely NOTHING to do with what we were discussing. Why are you continuing to try to deflect, instead of addressing my post directly?
Funny, I did not have you pegged for the type of person who wants to suppress free speech rights. If that is the case, I am suprised that you have not crusaded for the banning of Michael Moore who uses the same tactics to sway people to his way of thinking as Limbaugh uses to sway people to his line of thinking. I criticize Moore for providing crap. I criticize Limbaugh/Hannity for providing crap.
What is also funny, is that you criticize people for listening to Limbaugh, but in order for you to know what he says, don't you need to listen to him as well? If you are listening to him, then aren't you adding to the problem by increasing his ratings which keeps him on the air? If you are not listening to him, then how can you legitimately criticize his words? Seems like either way you look at it, you have a problem.
If I remember correctly, weren't you one of the ones who criticized conservatives for bringing attention to the Franken v. Fox fiasco? Seems like you are victim of the same thing that you criticized. You are bringing more attention to this stuff by constantly bringin it up. Even if the post does not require it, you are still trying to spin things in such a way as to be able to bring up his name. It seems like you are only adding to the problem, instead of doing soemthing to fix it.
You are proving to be no better than the people you criticize.