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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Yeah. You need to take it to the Consumer Forum.
  2. Protection? What protection? Are you now going to say that since I did not criticize it, then I am condoning it? If that is the case, since I did not see you criticize the "Republicans are Nazis" stuff, that must mean you condone it. That would be a problem, since you are criticizing others for making equally outlandish statements about Dems. WTF does the Laura/Theresa have to do with our discussion? The bulk of your post has absolutely NOTHING to do with what we were discussing. Why are you continuing to try to deflect, instead of addressing my post directly? Funny, I did not have you pegged for the type of person who wants to suppress free speech rights. If that is the case, I am suprised that you have not crusaded for the banning of Michael Moore who uses the same tactics to sway people to his way of thinking as Limbaugh uses to sway people to his line of thinking. I criticize Moore for providing crap. I criticize Limbaugh/Hannity for providing crap. What is also funny, is that you criticize people for listening to Limbaugh, but in order for you to know what he says, don't you need to listen to him as well? If you are listening to him, then aren't you adding to the problem by increasing his ratings which keeps him on the air? If you are not listening to him, then how can you legitimately criticize his words? Seems like either way you look at it, you have a problem. If I remember correctly, weren't you one of the ones who criticized conservatives for bringing attention to the Franken v. Fox fiasco? Seems like you are victim of the same thing that you criticized. You are bringing more attention to this stuff by constantly bringin it up. Even if the post does not require it, you are still trying to spin things in such a way as to be able to bring up his name. It seems like you are only adding to the problem, instead of doing soemthing to fix it. You are proving to be no better than the people you criticize.
  3. DD was a nice guy. I guy I used to write songs with, had the opportunity to jam with DD. He had nothing but great things to say about him.
  4. Well, the fact that I have ripped Limbaugh/Hannity along with ripping Moore/Franken kinda shoots holes in your argument. For someone who rips RiO for being a partisan hack, you are quite the hypocrite. Nice attempt at deflection away from your actions. If it was a occasional shot at them, then there would be no issue. You have an obsession with these people and it is clouding your judgement. I used to have high respect for your posts. I may not have agreed with the bulk of your opinions, but I always could count on you for intelligent opinions and you have (on many occasions) caused me to rethink my views on certain topics. Now, you have seemed to go off the deep end and have turned into the liberal version of RiO (just not the obnoxious part). It is sad to see such a quality poster become nothing more than a political hack with an unhealthy obsession with conservative pundits.
  5. Haven't listened to his new band, but Pantera was pretty good. R.I.P. DD
  6. I don't listen to talk radio or read any of their books. I already know that they are crap. Nice try, though.
  7. That is no different from what we see from the parrots/lemmings from the other side of the aisle. I do not see you calling any of them out. Don't give me this "well, the righties call out those lefties, so there is no need for me to do it as well" stuff that I usually get from you when I point this out. Al Franken and Michael Moore have best selling books, along with plenty of other "lefties" who are no better than Limbaugh and his ilk. Where is your criticism of them? You seem to be suprisingly quiet when it comes to people like that. How about some consistency?
  8. Debbie Does Donner
  9. I just find it humorous that, IIRC, the same people who criticized the "righties" over the Fox v. Franken fiasco (saying that you should stop bringing attention to these things and they will go away) are the same ones who are consistently bringing up Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.
  10. You really seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, et. al. lately. I hear that there are doctors in Florida willing to treat this type of "condition." Group therapy, maybe?
  11. What, no flame-thrower?
  12. Good advice. Stay away from wearing American sports t-shirts, anything with an American flag, etc.
  13. Good idea. Force our farmers to grow opium instead of food, and we can pay for all of these new government programs.
  14. Don't forget government involvement in steriods and sports.
  15. For the exact reason you mentioned, which is that estate taxes are a tax on dying while the other taxes are on goods or services provided. Yup, punish people for the rampant spending of Congress. Smart move. Instead of actually going to the root cause of the problem for a solution (Congressional spending), let's just continue down that path but make up for it by punishing the "rich." Class warfare is always a good solution to problems.
  16. Yup. Regardless of how many times I hear that question, I still have a brain fart over it. Oh, well. I got the rest right.
  17. 10/11. Brain fart on one of the questions.
  18. Here is one that was fired at least once: News Thingy
  19. You also have estate taxes, which is a tax on money that has already been taxed.
  20. Yup, and your point would be what?
  21. Don't you know that they look better in thigh-high boots? Amateur.
  22. Any bunnies?
  23. You would think that they would document this type of thing (description of bag, name on bag, address, etc), but what do I know.
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