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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Nice try at putting words in my mouth. Too bad they are not true. How much money is spent on bureaucracy before it even reaches the kids? Wouldn't that money be better spent on our children, instead of being thrown down a black hole?
  2. Actually, when you are talking about the government, you do NOT get what you pay for. Quantity <> quality. When things do not work, just add more government spending.
  3. I vote for a tie.
  4. All problems can be solved by just spending more money.
  5. What about if we can't beat him at home in January?
  6. I will not take that bet, since I know that he will do nothing. His ideas were for show. If they actually meant something to him, he would have proposed them before announcing his intentions to run. If he does anything this time around, he will start it about 6 months to a year before announcing. That way, he can say that he actually did something while in the Senate.
  7. Well, it was definitely a learning experience for him. -He needs a better staff, and he needs to stop micromanaging them. -He needs to stay away from the Vietnam stuff, and focus on other issues. -He needs concrete ideas, not "I have a plan." -His plans need to be feasible, not "I will pay for everything with tax increases, but the tax increases will not pay for everything." ...etc. He had a golden opportunity to become President, since Bush was such a weak candidate. He just blundered his way through the campaign and could not pull it off. He needs to actually accomplish something in the Senate over the next few years. Here is a thought: how about introducing the legislation he proposed during the campaign? This will prove that he is serious about his ideas and not just putting something out there in order to become President. His actions over the next few years will speak volumes, IMO.
  8. Honestly, I do not see Wes Clark making an impact in '08. I know that some of the problems were the fact that he entered late, but he just does not have what it takes, IMO. It is too early to predict who will run, but I see Kerry wanting another shot, Richardson (as you mentioned) and I still think that Dean could run again if he does not get the DNC chair.
  9. The temperment is part genetic and part parenting. The breed was raised to bait bulls, and that can play a part. The rest is imparted by the owners. You can have the calmest breed in the world, but bad owners can turn it dangerous for kids. You know the neighbors better than any of us, so we cannot speak about them. From what you have said, I would not let my kids around that dog if it is off of the leash.
  10. nobody. Works well with the all black avatar.
  11. When are you going to make the trek east to visit our group?
  12. ACLU lawsuit in 3...2...1...
  13. That's it. I won't even bother watching now. Let's just put up the L, and not even bother showing up.
  14. For the gamblers...errr...fairness to the other team, all injuries are listed regardless of their severity. He could be listed for sleeping on it funny.
  15. A fine woman is a fine woman, regardless of age.
  16. ...or 40.
  17. Born January 22, 1965. Link Thingy
  18. Mmmm. M&M's. Anyone try the new M-azing candy bar? Any good? What were we talking about?
  19. No bunnies? Where is this utopia of which you speak?
  20. Don't tell Harriet.
  21. Kill bunnies?
  22. Unless that person is an eligible receiver.
  23. If the switch causes the defense to enter the neutral zone, then the center will probably be flagged. It can be equated to the center moving the ball, simulating a snap in order to draw the defense into the neutral zone. Similarly, the QB can be flagged if his body movements cause the defense to cross the line of scrimmage. It is rarely called (in the case of the QB), but I have seen it happen. All I am saying, is that there is nothing specified in the rules (from my quick scan of them last night). The center could probably use both hands on the ball while in formation, then just use the necessary hand when snapping the ball. He could easily switch hands and fake out the defense.
  24. You are correct regarding the snap from center. I did a quick scan of the rules, and did not see anything about switching hands.
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