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Everything posted by KRC

  1. I guess magnetic field is possible, but I would doubt it. Originally, I was thinking resistive touch, until you mentioned putting your finger near the stylus. What does the stylus look like?
  2. Darin is closer to Libertarian, than anything else. He regularly rips Republicans AND Democrats.
  3. Darin is not a Republican, so I do not see what the problem is with his sig.
  4. But, you can take things too far in the other direction. It would be like fighting for extra yards on a play. How many times to you see a player fumble while trying to ADD to his gain?
  5. If the Bills were winning before the cowbell thingy, why risk screwing up the mojo? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  6. But she can still stay on message, though. You need to stick with the talking points.
  7. I guess you didn't get the DNC memo. The current talking points are to attack Rumsfeld. Please stay on message, like a good little political operative.
  8. So, who is going to be the first to send GG money on this one?
  9. Same here. They forecast an inch of snow, and people are buying 15 gallons of milk and 20 loaves of bread.
  10. Yeah, I did notice that. Here, the entire city shuts down on a dusting of snow. Just hope that it happens overnight, so that the idiots stay home.
  11. Is the office igloo OK?
  12. You are worried about 6-10 inches of snow? Wake me up when it gets to about 2 feet.
  13. It's all Rush's fault.
  14. I would vote for the defense as a whole. It would be unfair to single just one person out. The defense has helped the offense by giving them field position, creating turnovers, and scoring points. The defense, as a whole, deserves the MVP.
  15. You always come up with the best avatars, Rich.
  16. Stop-loss was around before this guy signed his contract, correct?. Maybe he is the one that needs to do some research before signing his contract.
  17. It is another of those "feel good" rules that seem to have the opposite of its intended effect. Some teams already have coaches in mind, but are forced to interview minority candidates if their desired coach is white. Unfortunately, since the rule was put in place, minority candidates have been subjected to token interviews. To me, this is worse than not getting the interview in the first place. You are telling the candidate, "we really do not want you as the coach, but we are being forced to bring you in to make things look better." I think that the NFL needs to rethink this rule and provide a better solution. To me, this rule is absolutely insulting to minority coaches.
  18. Well, if we can't beat them on the road, then why bother showing up? We should just pack it in now. Talk about pansy-assed logic. I would think that you would want to "take it to 'em in their house." Why the chickensh*t attitude?
  19. I must have gotten lost in the mail.
  20. The difference being, that those people donated to the PARTY, not an individual. Donations are capped at $2000 for individuals to donate to specific candidates per election cycle.
  21. Damn, who let ICE back in here?
  22. You know that I did not say that, but hey, if it helps you sleep at night. Surpisingly, you left a Rush/Coulter/Hannity bash out of this post. You are slipping, my blindly partisan friend.
  23. Yes, I know what the bureaucracy does, which is why I am against having countless, unnecessary layers of it preventing our tax dollars from reaching the people who need it the most: our kids. People keep complaining that there is not enough money to get updated books for our kids, but do not seem to have a problem with the fact that the money that could be used for those books is instead used by pencil-pushers who have no effect on the quality of education. We could spend the same amount of money on education that we do now. Eliminate the multiple layers of bureaucracy and you would be suprised at how much is left over for the tools necessary to educate our children.
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