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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Similar type of work (controls design), but I am shifting from the food industry to the pharmaceutical industry. I will also be moving away from hardware and software design to strictly software design with the software being far more complex (more servos, vision systems, high speed controls, etc).
  2. Well, since you are going to be working for the government, you should have plenty of time for FAT and for posting on the board. Glad to hear that things worked out for you, regarding the job. I left my job last week, and start my new job on Monday. No more travelling the globe on a moments notice for me. Best of luck to you on your new job!! Happy New Year to you, Mrs. Nick, and the little one.
  3. I thought the rule was "recount until you get the desired result, then do everything you can to stop additional recounts."
  4. Spending the day with my wife and our families.
  5. Microsoft Paint will save as GIF or JPEG.
  6. Have you tried Sam Adams Lunarfest? Not bad for a domestic.
  7. But, that is not really "working for free" since you are being paid to do your job.
  8. The unions have been killing Philly. Trying to use non-union labor is going to create a MAJOR problem here. It is going to get ugly.
  9. 'Jeruselem' or 'Gates of Urizon' at 11. Hell, the whole friggin album at volume 11.
  10. You are the one who stated that you could only give $100 because you were saving your money for your trip to Europe, while at the same time complaining that others are not giving enough, even asking Darin how much he gave (expecting to rip him for not giving enough). I am using your words. Sorry if they make you look, well, selfish. So was I. Too bad you do not allow others the same rights you give yourself. Keep trying.
  11. So, let me see if I get this straight. You are putting your own selfish desires (backpacking in Europe) ahead of the needs of people who have lost most if not everything, while at the same time complaining that others are not giving enough to help out.
  12. His solo stuff is pretty good. I prefer 'Chemical Wedding' over 'Accident of Birth.'
  13. His whole "I want to start my own league" stuff was pretty selfish, wasn't it?
  14. You want the goat after Paul was done with it?
  15. Depends. Does she have a permit to carry a firearm?
  16. Now, we are going to have a flood of Red stapler avatars? BTW, I saw that movie last night. Still great.
  17. They will show it as long as he is productive in the league. Get used to it.
  18. Different time back then. Let's see what happens when the new movie is released.
  19. Yes, the Hershel Walker trade proves that. Hell, you don't have to be a Mensa candidate to know that you should not give up a first rounder for TH.
  20. Just as I thought...
  21. I do not see the Bills getting a first rounder for TH, with just a 1000 yd - 10TD season. You might get a second, but not a first unless the teams GM is a moron.
  22. Depending on his performance, it could also hurt TH. Fortunately, we are playing SF, so he would have a good day. If we were playing one of the top teams then things could be different.
  23. Have you read your sig line?
  24. Unfortunately, a lot of those cops were needed to shuffle the additional paperwork required under the Brady Law. If you are going to hire cops to patrol the streets, fine. I am not a fan of hiring cops just to process more paperwork.
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