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Everything posted by KRC

  1. I don't know. Maybe her confirmation hearings four years ago?
  2. Yeah, right. Next you are going to say that you have running water up there. You can't fool us.
  3. They are just looking to energize their base. The same would be happening if the parties were reversed.
  4. You have that right. My last trip to Korea, I was there for 35 days. I had a couple hours off on about day 31. When you are on the road, you are there to work. Eat, sleep, and work. Your "tour of the area" consists of the road between the airport and the hotel and the road between the hotel and the job site. People say, why don't you take a few days off to see the area? They do not realize that going home IS a vacation.
  5. I just started my second a few weeks ago (at least in my profesional career). Travelling the world at the drop of a hat was getting old. Not knowing where I was going, when I was going, and when I was coming home really wore me down. Add the long hours and the stress, and it was time for a change.
  6. You have to remember that a Republican is in charge. Things change. It is not a crisis now. Just leave the problem for our kids to clean up. Forget the fact that the program is doomed to fail, and will need overhauling at some point. It was a crisis up until about 5 years ago, then it all of a sudden went out of crisis mode. Don't worry, it will go back into crisis mode for the next election when the pandering to the AARP starts. Nothing to see here...move along...
  7. What I fail to see in this thread, is how the costs of this compare to other inaugurations. Clinton (1993): $33 million Bush (2000): $40 million Bush (2004): $50 million These are not adjusted for inflation. It does not seem out of line. Of course, who am I to rain on the latest DNC talking point.
  8. If you are referring to sh--'s petition, it is a start, but is not enough to sway the nominating committee members. The same goes with the article posted to start this thread. Once you get a comprehensive listing of his accomplishments and what they mean to the league, then the "politicians" can start their work on the selection committee to sway them to vote for RW. It can be done, but I do not see anyone taking an active role in getting it done. Like most instances, it is easier to B word about something than to take aggressive action to get something done. We just need someone with the drive and ambition to get the ball rolling and get the list done. Then you find a politician-type who can approach the members of the selection committee to discuss why RW is not being nominated after being presented with list. At that point, you can refine the list, and emphasize the points to counteract those arguments. The politician-type can work the committee members to get at least a majority to vote for RW. It will take more than an online petition to get the ball rolling. The petition will give the points some weight, but you need more.
  9. You are preaching to the chior about Davis. He has been a thorn in the NFL's side for a while before his induction. His induction may have been to try to calm him down. Obviously, it did not work since he sued the league not 3 years after his induction. None of the theories mentioned in this thread should keep RW out, IMO, but you need to show the reasons FOR his induction. People B word that he is not in there, but fail to provide a detailed listing of WHY he should be in. Do that, and you are on your way to getting him inducted.
  10. I thought the lawsuit was in '95?
  11. Without knowing exactly what is causing the interference, it is tough to say whether you need to put something on the speaker wires, run new speaker wires to keep them away from 120VAC wires or condition the AC wires. The cheap solution is ferrite cores on the power cords of your stereo equipment. This may not entirely fix the problem, but it should help. Hopefully, this is all that you will need. Next, you can try MOV's. The easiest way to introduce this to the circuit, is with a unit like this or the one Fezmid mentioned. These will not protect you from voltage drops, but it does some line conditioning for spikes. If these suggestions do not work, it could cost a little more. You could try to add capacitors to the main incoming power, but you may not be comfortable doing that yourself.
  12. You can prevent it at any point in the circuit (outlet, breaker, etc). It does not matter.
  13. First, a power surge is not noise, it is just that: a power surge. This would effect the entire house. Second, I did not know that there were different types of noise. Could you explain that one to me? Please be specific.
  14. If if the pump is on another circuit, you can still get noise. Breaker panels do nothing to protect against noise. If you induce noise on your electrical lines, you can get it throughout the house. You might be able to minimize it on a different circuit, but theoretically, it can fill all circuits of the house.
  15. Well, that would be wrong. Speaker wires can ABSOLUTELY pick up noise. Without knowing more about this specific circuit, it is hard to tell if the noise is being picked up through the amp, or through the speaker wires. The power supply in the amp has rectifiers, so that will clip some of the noise, and the fact that the power goes through a transformer will clean things up as well. If the speaker wires are close to the electrical wires, I would suspect that you are picking up some noise through this. Motors are notorious for infusing noise on a circuit, and if your speaker wires are not shielded, then the noise can be induced onto these wires. If the wires are shielded, you need to make sure that one side is properly grounded. If both sides are grounded or ungrounded, then the shield will act like an antenna, making the problem worse. Like I said, if the wires are shielded, then just ground one end. As far as helping with the noise being induced on the lines, you can add capacitors to the electrical lines to help reduce noise.
  16. First, you need to form a coherent message, specifically pointing out the EXACT reasons for RW to be admitted. List all of the accomplishements and how they have effected the NFL. Show the lasting impression his efforts have had to the league. Without this, no letter writing campaign to the selection committee will work. Start with this, then proceed building up the grass-roots support. Without this being done, you have no shot.
  17. I do not buy this logic. In the overall scheme of things, this is pretty minor. Some of the voters have probably not even heard of this, so I cannot imagine this being a major sticking point. If I were a voter, and I heard this as an argument for why RW should not be admitted, I would laugh the person out of the room. If you want conspiracy theories, then you can look at RW testifying against the NFL in an anti-trust lawsuit brought about by the AFL, where RW said that the Buffalo Bills were hurt by the expansion of Minnesota into the league. I would think that this theory would be more plausible than the Kelly issue.
  18. Well, since my dog probably would have eaten the stranger alive, there would be no point in trying to save the stranger. I will take the dog.
  19. Thanks. Nice to be here.
  20. His best shot is under the "seniors" category. I do not see him getting in through the regular ballot, at least not for a while.
  21. Agreed. As you know, I just changed jobs which will reduce the amount of travelling I do. This will give me more time with Kristy.
  22. Since they seem to happen regularly, it is no longer news.
  23. The holidays have been great. I am between jobs, so there is no stress. I have had plenty of time for school-work and doing stuff around the house.
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