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Everything posted by KRC

  1. In the spirit of "Can't we all just get along," I thought I would start a thread that will probably deteriorate pretty quickly once TOC and Busey get in here. There are lots of assumptions on people's political leanings (it is an all or nothing for some people). Therefore, in the spirit of learning how people truly feel about topics, describe your political leanings. Me: -Registered Independent -Used to be Republican, but the Republicans let me down. Then was registered Libertarian and was an officer in the Libertarian Party of PA for a little while. Left them when I gave up on them getting a clue. Now an independent. I have always voted for the best candidate, regardless of party. I have voted for Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independents. Haven voted Green. Those people are crazy. ? Did not vote for Trump or Hillary. -Fiscally conservative. The government spends too much of my money and someone needs to take control. I do not see anyone out there right now with the will and power to make it happen. Not Trump. Not Republicans. Certainly not Democrats. I am not saying that it needs to go full Libertarian (only Constitutionally mandated spending), but we need to drastically cut back on spending. The government has proven to be irresponsible with my money. Give it back to me and I will give it to charity and other non-profit organizations doing efficient work to maximize the money going to the recipients in need and not to a bureaucratic black hole. I believe in the cliché of giving people a hand up and not a hand out. If you fall on hard times, society should help. If those hard times are caused by your bad decisions/actions, I struggle to have sympathy. If the hard times are no fault of your own (economy tanks and you lose your job), if you show that you are willing to do what it takes to get back on your feet, I will support you with help. If not, it sucks to be you. -Socially liberal. I have no trouble with gay marriage (or even calling it marriage compared to civil union). Gay people marrying does not lead to marrying pets, as some hard core conservatives argue. If two people who are gay want to marry, who am I to stop them? It has no impact on my life. I am not in favor of abortion, but would always vote pro-choice for those extremely rare instances where it is needed. It is not a form of birth control (outside of rape). Don't ***** someone who cannot afford a condom. If they can't afford a condom, they are not going to support the kid(s). I am strongly pro-Second Amendment. The fallacy of that meaning that there are no regulations is just that: a fallacy. No new gun control laws until you enforce the existing laws. Don't give me any of the "we need common sense gun laws enacted now" bull####, because we all know what that means. Your "common sense" is to start banning things. If you do not want to use a gun to protect your family, that is your choice. Don't stop me from defending mine in the way I see fit. So far, nobody on the Democratic side running for President has earned my vote. If they run a moderate candidate that is not batshit crazy (I know, it is a stretch), they could get my vote. Obviously that does not cover everything, but it is a start.
  2. I saw a comment in a Babylon Bee thread about Bloomie stating "Whenever you see someone enter the Democratic presidential race, the first thing you ask yourself is 'What crimes are they trying to cover up?'" You know, because you cannot be investigated if you are a candidate, unless your name is Trump.
  3. He adds diversity to the Democratic debate field: Old rich white person. Oh, wait.
  4. Specifically for Tom...
  5. I hereby announce my candidacy for any office necessary. Not that I have anything to cover up, but I wanted to make sure that I cannot be prosecuted for anything I am about to do.
  6. Watched the episode last night. I hope that with the amount of recap shows that they had leading up to this season that they would cut back on all of the recapping during the new shows. The first episode, I can understand. If this season turns into last season, where they spend more time recapping than showing new material, I will be disappointed. I do not think they will find a ship, either. There are planks and other materials there, but I do not think that an entire ship is there. I agree with you that unless they find something significant in the swamp, Marty will refuse to go back there.
  7. I haven't watched this episode yet, but they seem to spend more time rehashing old info instead of showing new stuff. I am guessing they are doing more of the same? I can understand the first episode of the season doing recaps, but it was pretty annoying last year where for every five minutes of new stuff had 15 minutes of rehashing old stuff.
  8. No. Not enough people have lined their pockets on studied global warming cooling climate change crisis. It needs more money study.
  9. Why should the more successful team keep all of their points. They need to give their fair share of points to the less fortunate team.
  10. Don't mock global warming cooling climate change crisis. It is real dammit!!
  11. But, it is 11/1. 11+1=12. Happening today. Book it.
  12. According to TOC lahjik, that is bi-partisan support against the impeachment inquiry.
  13. It may not be one of the supported languages.
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