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Everything posted by KRC

  1. As much as it pains me to say it, I have to root for the Pats in this one. I would not be able to put up with the Iggles fans if they actually won a Super Bowl. Lesser of two evils here.
  2. But that still does not make him a liberal. Keep trying. Neither have you. Uh..huh.
  3. No, I am the communist and you are the Nazi.
  4. 1. No, he is saying that your ideas are stupid, not non-liberal ideas. There is a difference. 2. No, he said that anyone who cannot sufficiently back up their ideas is an idiot. There is a difference. 3. Can't the same be said about Republican tactics?
  5. VERY good advice. The only thing I can add to this, is trying Rescue Remedy before going to the dog park. It helps to clm the dog's nerves. It works wonders with my German Shepherd. Continue to be positive. Also, do not let the dog off the leash. Let the dog socialize at the dog park, without letting her off the leash. Keep stressing the positive behaviors, while reprimanding bad behavior. Also, you might want to muzzle the dog while at the park.
  6. I will make sure to stay away from the bridges in two weeks.
  7. Hey, I am the communist on this board. Back off.
  8. How the HELL is he acting like a liberal?
  9. In the past, Tom has been called a Democrat AND a Republican within the same thread.
  10. These next two weeks are going to SUCK here in Philly.
  11. About 12" here in Philly.
  12. I was at the tailgate, and you refused to talk politics. I guess that kinda shoots a hole in your "5000 miles away" lahjik, when we were face to face and you didn't have the cajones to discuss anything with me.
  13. He is making it too easy for you, isn't he?
  14. Now you did it. Just wait until one of the resident libs chimes in claiming that they are just innocent victims, and that they are only doing this because conservatives started the blanket accusations first.
  15. I always have to do work beyond the 8-5 stuff. It is something that is just expected of you. While you are hired for 8-5, you still need to do what is necessary to get the job done. I would love to have a job that always ends at 5PM and always starts at 8AM, but that is not reality for my line of work.
  16. It will come down to whether the school informed the students that homework would be required if you decide to take the course. Regardless, he is still a wuss.
  17. Yes, you should.
  18. Well, I am not going to get into a big argument over it. As d_wag mentioned, we will have to agree to disagree. While this instance, Bradford only hurt himself, if he is running one of Trump's companies a decision like that would hurt more than just him. There is no question that he was not the worst on the task, but he showed poor judgement with his decision. There is more to the job than just the performance on one task. Decision-making skills are what is being evaluated, along with creativity. Trump is looking for someone who has the ability to make sound business decisions. Bradford did not show that while in the board room, which is why he was fired. Again, agree to disagree with you guys.
  19. No, he is an idiot, a liar, or both for not agreeing with the articles posted by LME. We should not address problems until they hit the "crisis" stage, as defined by commentators in the media.
  20. He had protection from firing. He made a stupid decision to throw it away. It does not show good judgement. I would have canned his butt as well.
  21. ...or "Radar Love" by Golden Earring.
  22. I agree that some firings may be for dramatic effect, but I agree with the Bradford firing. The guy made a stupid, costly mistake. You need to be ruthless in the business world, and he showed a weakness for his opponents to exploit. He deserved to be fired for that. Confidence is one thing. Stupidity is another.
  23. Todd did a little too much delegating and not enough work. As PM, he should have trained himself on all aspects so he would be able to step in if there was a problem. He should have also put Danny in his place when Danny hung up the phone on him. He deserved to be fired.
  24. All Hallows Eve - Type O Negative
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